sarasomeonex's reviews
293 reviews

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

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Again, I loved it.
Once I started reading I couldn't stop, and I usually take a very long time reading books in English, not less than a week, and I've finished Hunger games and Catching fire in almost 3 days each, which is a very short time for me.
Seriously, you can't stop once you start reading. However, I got a bit confused in the last two chapters, am not sure I really understood them.
I can't wait to start reading Mockinjay to clear things up,I hope it's as good as the first two.
من الذي حرك قطعة الجبن الخاصة بي؟ by Spencer Johnson

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I heard a lot about this book and I was very happy when I found it, but unfortunately it was kind of depressing to me.
I was expecting more.
But anyway, I did learn somethings;
1- things change and we have to accept it.
2- face our fears.