saruhlewis's reviews
419 reviews

Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

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I had stared at Water for Elephants for quite some time in the book store, but always put it back before I got to the register. I finally decided to go for it on a whim one day.

For me, I enjoyed it because I loved the place and time that it took me to. The story was alright, it just felt a little shallow. It was almost like I was going on my own exploration in the era and the story was a second thought.

Definitely pick it up if you are looking for a quick read for the summer!
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

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Ender's Game was my first jump into the Sci/Fi genre. From the beginning, it had my full attention. I am aware that the book is wildly successful in part to the many people who related to it regarding the psychological aspects. However cliche' that may be, I too related to the struggles Ender had with other children. I wish that I had picked this book up whilst I was still in school, because I think it would have been appreciated even more. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who likes to think!
Bossypants by Tina Fey

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There simply aren't enough stars to give this book!

Ever since I saw 30 Rock I have loved Tina Fey's comedic style. So when her book came out, I HAD to get it. I don't think that I have ever laughed so hard reading a book!!

It's not a deep, cry-yourself-to-sleep over the secrets and lies kind of biography. Fey lets us in, but with taste and perfectly timed quips. I still quote parts from the book to people to convince them to pick it up.

It's a quick read, but one that you won't regret!