savvvyreads13's reviews
431 reviews

Juliet by Kailee Reese Samuels

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“I love to feel needed and to serve, giving yourself up to someone with complete abandon and trusting them not to break your soul. That is love to me.”

Just wow. This entire book was just wow. This is my 13th book I’ve read by KRS and she just continues to pull me into this world more and more.

I’m absolutely obsessed with Salvatore. This was my first KRS book to really get to meet Iris and I wasn’t sure how I would like her but I actually enjoyed her a lot more than I thought I would in this book.

Iris experiences a loss and embarks on a journey to finding herself and that happens to be at Juliet, the BDSM school, where she meets Sal. These two have so much banter and angst and jealousy and it’s amazing.

Please be aware that they will be with other people as well in this book. These are two broken people trying to find themselves. One cannot live without their kinks and one is learning about themselves in this new world they’ve fallen into. One is learning to be the best submissive they can be and one is in their transition phase from star submissive to Dominant which is not an easy transition.

There will be lies, secrets, jealousy, and lots of sex.

The ending had me
Glow by Raven Kennedy

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I received an ARC from Nerd Fam.

I will come back in a day or so to write a review while I collect my thoughts on this book.
White Rabbit by K Webster

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I only gave this four stars because I wanted MORE omg I wanted a full length novel of these two.