saw_knee's reviews
183 reviews

Fighting for Rain by BB Easton

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 28%.
Wes is too whiny and the emotional whiplash isn’t fun anymore 
Praying for Rain by BB Easton

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Surprisingly enjoyable for a weird premise. Kind of annoying that it only takes place over the course of 3 days, so it’s hard to really buy into the “I love you forever” stuff. But Rain and Wes are both well-developed characters and their traumas make them a beautifully flawed pair. Finally finished a book in the midst of a brutal reading slump so that’s a personal win. 
The Masks We Wear by Lee Jacquot

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 85%.
Too much miscommunication and overreaction.
Purple Hearts by Tess Wakefield

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Honestly, I can’t tell you why I’m so drawn to this story or these characters. I really think it was the actors in the Netflix movie. Their chemistry was so good! But yeah this book was good, but it wasn’t amazing. The fade to black spice was expected but still disappointing. Also Cassie’s relationship with Toby was frustrating and went on for way too long. Honestly I feel like Cassie and Toby had more character-developing scenes than Cassie and Luke. By the end, it felt like Cassie and Luke never really connected but just decided they loved each other. Very tell, not show. 
Tight Spot by Lisa Suzanne

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Did not finish book.
Barely cared while I was reading it. Except for the brothers best friend plot. So yeah, not surprised I didn’t finish
Den of Vipers by K.A. Knight

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 51%.
Smut was interesting but maybe slightly too grotesque to really push my buttons. And as much as I sorta want to keep reading a literally don’t care about the characters at all. Like I don’t want The plot… 
Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas

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I struggled through this one, but some of that was due to my own life changes (new town, new job, etc.). I was glad to finally meet Rowan. And I love who Aelin becomes in this book, but it might’ve been like 200 pages too long. I also am not over Chaol and Celeana. I don’t think we’ve gotten enough closure from that. Or even the trio friendship of Dorian, Chaol, Celeana. It was strenuous to read their stories without barely any interactions between them. Aedion was a cool new character. Really hope he survives to the next book. Manon and the witches were badass but also seemed very disconnected from the rest of the plot. Hope it all comes together soon. Probably going to take a bit of a break from the series but I’ll keep reading eventually. I’m craving some mindless smut lmao. 
The Play by Elle Kennedy

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I liked Demi, she definitely had a good character profile. Hunter was good too, I love his inner struggle with trying to be a good person/captain above all else. There relationship was sweet and the friends to lovers arc hit just right. I do think Demi was with Nico for maybe just a little bit too long, but it did allow for a lot of wholesome character development. I feel so bad for TJ but he also annoyed at him because screw the “friend zone”. 
Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas

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I’m invested into the story/world but knowing that so much still has yet to be revealed and I’m like 1200 pages in is a bit annoying. I slowed down a lot after
Nehemia’s death
.  I’m going to keep going, but this installment felt a bit like a chore. I hope we still get a lot of Chaol and Dorian. They are my favorites and I like them, even without Celeana being present for the scene. The archer subplot was meh to me. And just a bit too much miscommunication tripe for my liking between Dorian, Chaol and Celeana. All the secrets and “who knows what” is exhausting.