schwrtzdnll28's reviews
1168 reviews

Morbidly Yours by Ivy Fairbanks

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I wanted to read this when it was indie published but just never got a chance so when I got this arc I was so excited!! It was absolutely wonderful. It was sweet and charming and sexy and oh so morbid. There is nothing like a girl literally running from all things death and grief related and right into the arms of an undertaker. And with all the cutesy things, Lark dealing with her grief was heavy and honest and written well.

I LOVED CALLUM SO MUCH. There is nothing I love more than an Irishman just trying to save the family business. He was sweet, and HOT! He wanted her SO BAD. Like if anyone is the definition of down bad, it is CALLUM. He was even trying so hard to move on, move past it, but he quite literally said nothing could make me forget her, yeah OKAY WE GET IT.

His sexuality and his stutter were both written well and so much care. Lark didn’t ask questions, if anything she sought out answers for herself so she could help him, which was SO SWEET. She took him as he was and I loved that for him so much!!

If only she could have let him do the same for her… she was grieving HARD, she was on her grief tour, as she said herself! I wish it would have taken her a LITTLE less time to realize that she could still grieving and also love Callum. It made perfect sense, and it was done WELL, don’t get me wrong. It was just so tough watching her struggle for so long! Which isn’t also to say I didn’t love her, because I DID! Because despite the crappy and life had thrown her, she was still such a sunshine girl and I loved that so much. And she DID really love Callum. She was just hurting more.

I cannot wait to be back in this little universe for the rest of the series!! I think it’s only going to get better!!

Thank you so much to Putnam Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Off Trail Love by Taylor Epperson

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I love Taylor’s writing. It’s cozy and sweet and easy to read. And this little novella was so good! And I love a little second chance that never quite got a full first chance! Maggie and Jack were friends in high school, only friends with hidden feelings!! And now they’ve stumbled across each other on a trip that is a turning point for both of them! AND we get the tiniest sneak peak into Taylor’s new series which is very exciting!!

Maggie and Jack were sweet! Their little pranks were clearly an important part of the relationship, and it was cute to see them so easily pick it back up! Even though for Maggie it was about revenge and for Jack it was about getting her back! I do enjoy a little one sided enemies to lovers! And they were both able to come to some real big life decisions on their trip that they both desperately needed to make!! Hopefully we get to see them again!

Thank you to Taylor Epperson for this ARC in exchange for an honest review! I’m so grateful to be part of her ARC team 🫶🏻🫶🏻
It's Elementary by Elise Bryant

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This book was fantastic! A little sweet, a little mystery, a little romance, a lot of a super mom doing it all for her little girl!! There were many times I was laughing out loud, a lot of the time because Pearl, but also because it was so honest. There was such a good balance between the humor, and the mystery that Mavis was trying to solve, and the realities of race, the politics of schools, and just being a parent. This was written beautifully and is such a good 

I loved Mavis so much. She was doing her absolute best and doing it well. She just got a little caught up in trying to solve a mystery!! And she did it so well she solved a couple! I loved reading her story because there was so much going on and that is LIFE. Between her work, living with her dad, co-parenting with her ex who’s on the road, trying to make friends, dodging the PTA, and finding a little romance! She did it all with so much heart!! It wasn’t easy but she was doing it!!

The romance was very much NOT a main storyline, which is fine. I would have loved to see more of Mavis and Jack.

Thanks so much to Berkley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!
False Start by Kandi Steiner

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There is nothing I love more than a second chance and this one was absolutely WONDERFUL. Kandi knows how to tug at your heartstring and knows how to do it WELL! Both Madelyn and Kyle have so much trauma, past and present, and watching them work through it together was exactly that they needed. And both of their stories were written with so much love and care.

First and foremost!!! This is a shout out to Clay and Gianna!! They are my favorite and I was so happy we got to see their wedding! I love them so much 😭 And I loved that we got to see everyone!! They truly are a family and I loved that even with everyone all spread out they made sure to still make time for each other.

And Madelyn and Kyle 🥹 their WHIRLWIND ROMANCE was so good! It was so intense but it honestly made perfect sense for them. And it’s not quite like they were picking up where they left off, but it was seemingly like no time had passed? And that was perfect. The way they loved each other was SO SWEET. They were both so guarded and it showed, but they also knew that they were it for each other and were going to do anything to make it work. 

And Sebastian! There is honestly nothing that makes me happier than a SWEET KID! The way he looked to Kyle so easily for love and support! I love him so much.
In the Weeds by B.K. Borison

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It’s no secret Evie and Beckett are my favorite. Their quiet love makes my heart so happy. 
Cash Delgado Is Living the Dream by Tehlor Kay Mejia

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Just like Sammy Espinoza’s Last Review this book was absolutely fantastic. I forgot how much I loved Sammy Espinoza until I was reading this?? This little town that Tehlor has created is full of so much LOVE and being back was such a treat! The whole cast of characters was diverse and full of life lessons and LOVE and I loved watching them all rally around for Cash and the bar!!

First and foremost I LOVE PARKER. That little girl has my whole entire heart. The way she is so well adjusted and so wise for her little years makes my heart SO HAPPY. I loved her and Cash’s relationship so much.

I loved Cash so much. This was very much about her finding her place within her home and it was done so well. And watching her grow and flourish was so beautiful. I was rooting for her in every way the entire time. Between her figuring out her sexuality and her trying so hard to save the bar, I wanted her to get everything she ever dreamed of!

And I loved Cash and Inez. I loved that they were the endgame. They were the perfect match. And I loved that, once *some of* the self doubt was out the way, it was so easy for them to be together!! I would have loved to see more of them together, as always, but the epilogue was so so sweet!

AND I loved seeing Sammy and Max again!!! And even Brook and Willa! It was such a TREAT!

Thank you so much to Dell for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!! 
The Seduction of James Gray by Colette Rivera

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I am loving this series! I’m so excited to see where the rest of James and Sebastian’s story goes! Colette is so good at cresting these magical worlds that have so many moving parts without it being too complicated. This is just the first in a trilogy, so the happy for now makes me nervous!!! But she’s promised a HEA so I’m not too nervous.

Both James and Sebastian had a lot of depth. Sebastian has been alone for years, and finally is getting the help he’s desperately needed AND his growing feelings for James is exciting and so confusing. And James has such a fear of people leaving, and he doesn’t want to get close to anyone because of that. But watching them be forced together (but also LIKE being together at the same time) and facing some of their feelings head on was so interesting especially since reality is a little wonky for now!

And the mystery paranormal elements were fun! The Shades are so odd and we still don’t know a ton about them other than they’re just of pests but also seemingly getting out of hand in town?? So I can’t wait to see where that is still going. And the entire curse and magic related to Sebastian’s home is still very much a mystery, so that will be interesting to be see unraveled!

As always thank you so much Colette Rivera for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez

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This book is everything. Sometimes you just need to reread your favorite book and this was absolute right choice.

Jacob and Briana are EVERYTHING to me.