serahlunareads's reviews
268 reviews

The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton

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From the moment I read the synopsis of this one, I was completely hooked. The concept of humanity relying on solving a murder when everyone, including the murderer, has had their memories wiped is a wild one! I was nervous that the book itself wouldn’t live up to my expectations, but it did. The characters are interesting, the plot is impressive, and the writing is sensational. 

With many deliciously short chapters, and most ending in cliffhangers of varying degrees, it was difficult to put this one down! There were some wonderfully fast-paced, entertaining moments that had me flying through the pages. Added to that, the sometimes science-heavy plot is still approachable and easy to understand. 

I felt that the pacing was a little off at times. There were random, long moments detailing characters’ pasts that would interrupt current events, some of which were quite frustrating. I found that to be rather disrupting to the pace of the story, but that’s a minor complaint and the only thing that I didn’t enjoy. 

Thank you to the publisher for the Advanced Reader Copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.      
The Locked Door by Freida McFadden

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I debated between a 2 and a 3-star rating for awhile, before finally settling on 3. It wasn’t “bad” as much as it was just simply unimpressive. I’m sure that I will eventually completely forget about this one.

While there were some good, tense moments, I felt like everything fell flat towards the end, even with the twist.

Overall, I really feel like if you’re looking for a fun, twisty thriller, this will do the trick, but there’s a lot out there that are much better and more intricately plotted than this one.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher, Poisoned Pen Press, for the advanced reader copy. All opinions are my own.
She's Not Sorry by Mary Kubica

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The pace in this one starts slow and then gradually ramps up until the final 30% which will send you on a wild ride.

The tone and mood stay consistently dark and creepy, so even when not much is happening, you still feel like something bad is just around the corner, just like in a horror movie and the creepy music starts.

THE TWISTS! The main twist particularly floored me and sent me into a downward spiral of self-doubt, because HOW did the author play me like that?!

Some critiques: There seemed to be an overabundance of unnecessary details and repetition, there were so many loose ends that were never tied up, and the main character’s choices were odd. 

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced reader copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.