shane_the_reading_rat's reviews
851 reviews

Deviant Hollers: Queering Appalachian Ecologies for a Sustainable Future by Rebecca Scott, Zane McNeill

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 38%.
im finding this book to be a lot more academic than i expected, and the essays so far are hit-or-miss. something i value in nonfiction books is if its approachable for someone who may not know the topic inside and out already, and this is really not
Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher

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eh not my favorite t kingfisher but it was fine. feel like the fairytale vs weird dynamic was off though, too much of it felt classic fairy tale and the weird scenes were WEIRD and it could’ve been balanced/evened out a bit better

fenris my darling my beloved sad middle aged knight man
Compound Fracture by Andrew Joseph White

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 7%.
this is not a full review of the arc i received! i’m dnf’ing for unrelated reasons, i love this book so far and fully plan to finish and review it in the near future!!
hate when i literally cant fucking use adobe digital editions for arcs cause they have no dark mode option and i just chronically have super dry eyes and it causes physical pain for me to read arcs on ade on my computer with the stupid white background against black letters :/ god this is why i have basically every screen i ever use set to both dark mode (+ warm light) and close to the lowest brightness possible
i plan to get a kindle in december so at that point i’ll actually be able to read arcs again (but i will get a couple arcs ive been approved for that have published on libby so i can use the good ol’ black background)!!
Fireheart Tiger by Aliette de Bodard

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decided to finish this up before going to bed and. wow. i did not like it
the characters didn’t feel real at all, they felt like they were just there to Do Things
also while reading this i saw one review that said something like “why do the mc and Giang get together she calls Giang her li’l sis” and i was like “well ive read one instance of that happening but yknow maybe its a more general form of endearment and/or this fantasy world doesn’t have wording for queer relationships” no. she and Giang call each other big sis and lil sis so many times. once right before kissing. and queer relationships are accepted in this book. so its not even wording differences it’s just pure ick
Finna by Nino Cipri

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idk man i thought this was fine

Gay People Explore Their Break-Up In The Multiverse
might pick up the sequel just cause i like the concept of this evil ikea and its evil little wormholes but unfortunately i despise the sequel cover. so we’ll see what wins, my interest in the world of Finna or my love of good cover design

(bro how did they not know where annapolis was, they are american they have zero excuse. im american and have never lived in or near maryland yet i absolutely know ANNAPOLIS IS THE CAPITAL OF MARYLAND)
The Forbidden Book by Sacha Lamb

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 15%.
thank you to Netgalley and Levine Querido for this ARC!
it makes me so sad to have to DNF this, but i think it just isn’t for me (at least not right now). it leans much more into mystery than what it seemed (and im not a mystery fan, so this is not good). along with this, the writing style is just not flowing for me. i want to try it again once the audiobook releases, but for now i just have to leave this one behind.
Paper Planes by Jennie Wood

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for some reason listening to this cozy fantasy instrumental playlist really enhanced this reading experience even though this isn’t fantasy. huh.
anyway i loved this one a Lot

Dylan and Leighton were both super interesting characters, and i love their different motifs of rocket ships and roller skates (its also hilarious to me that Dylan is a dead ringer for how i looked at their age, hairstyle and all)
while i do prefer Dylan out of the two, imo Leighton kinda got left in the dust plot-wise. her part of the story just ended so suddenly i had to flip back a few pages to check that i hadn’t missed anything.
otherwise this would’ve been five stars easily. but either way i loved it!! (art style was wonderful, warmer colors for flashback scenes + a rounded style for Leighton/angular style for Dylan were such nice touches and attention to detail)
Interesting Facts About Space by Emily Austin

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 43%.
sorry not sorry. litfic is consistently so fucking boring i commend anyone who likes it. youre stronger than me
The Night Guest by Hildur Knútsdóttir

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pretty much the most i can say about this book is that it was Fine

i liked the fast pace and how short many chapters were, i thought that was nice and that it was paced well and was suspenseful enough to keep my interest (i finished this in about three sittings, so at least there’s that!)
but this was much more situated in the sad-girl subgenre of literature than advertised, and personally that’s just not a vibe i like very often (i have been a sad girl many times, and then a sad boy, and it’s just not something i find interesting to read about)

also this needed such a trigger warning for violence against animals, granted ive read worse in horror but still it’s something i would’ve liked to emotionally prepare for beforehand.
anyway what is awesome about this is that it’s translated from icelandic!!! never read a book from iceland before so that was pretty cool :]