shaylee_reads's reviews
206 reviews

The Sun Is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

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  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


2.5  out of 5 stars 
I really wanted to love this book and I really thought I would seeing that I loved her debut novel everything, everything but up just not liking it as much as I had hoped. 
The writing was just as amazing as it was in everything, everything. It was so poetic and beautiful. So I had no problem with that. 
I think my biggest problem was It took place in one day, I feel like I would have enjoyed it more if it had taken place in a couple of weeks instead of just one day. I wish we got to see more of their relationship with their families and see them work on their relationship. I just felt like it went too fast and I would have liked to learn more about them and their families and less about the love. 
And the whole chapter thing I liked being able to see from both of their point of view but I didn't really enjoy the point of view. I felt like they were unnecessary to the story and a few times I even skipped through parts. 
Other than that everything else was pretty good.
Turtles All the Way Down by John Green

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At this point, I just think John Green's books aren't meant for me. 
There's Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins

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dark emotional mysterious sad tense


Stephine Perkins should probably stick to romance because the romance in this book was amazing. It was by far my favorite part, I absolutely adored Makani and Olly together that being said I do not think that Perkins pulled off the horror aspect. This book wasn't very scary at all but it was very gory and it didn't feel while thought out. 
The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer

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I have tried to read this book a hundred times before but just haven't been able to get into it but I decided to read this book for the tom topples read-a-thon and I was able to get through it in about 5 days.
I really liked the fairy tale aspect of this book it was quite enjoyable. I really enjoyed Conner I found his to be quite funny and enjoyable to read about. I didn't really like the writing. 
Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan

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2 out of 5 stars

I had so much hope for this book and wanted to love it so much but that didn't really happen... Don't get me wrong I enjoy the story but I just have some things that I didn't like.
I didn't really enjoy the writing, the author was doing a lot of telling rather than showing. The writing made it hard for me to picture what was going on.  
The characters weren't well developed and I don't feel like I know them at all. We also never really learned about their pasts and what has made them the people they are. I just feel like we know nothing about them and their pasts.
The relationship also wasn't very developed and felt very instalove. One second they wanted to kill each other and then the next they were in love and it just didn't do it for me.
Overall, the book was boring to me. 
Fallen by Lauren Kate

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  • Diverse cast of characters? No


New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

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This is my least favorite of the Twilight series. I read this book years ago and I remember very much disliking this book. It's boring and it really shows how little of a personality Bella has, like Bella is the definition of pathetic in this book.