shirecrow's reviews
249 reviews

The Girl and the Moon by Mark Lawrence

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She'd left the north but it hadn't left her. The ice and the wind wouldn't ever leave her, not even if she took sail across the black sea until Abeth itself was just another star hanging in the void behind her.

I'm gonna be honest, non of this made sense to me.

By the time they time travelled for the 80th time I have already mentally checked out. Why did they have to open the Ark twice? I don't know. Why would Theus come back to save them? No clue. What even happened at the end? I DON'T FUCKING KNOW.

Seus destroyed? Just like that?

But what really has me dead is that Yaz has been yearning (worst part) for the same two boys for three books and chooses the one that has been GONE for almost two entire books?? I hated Quell. I still hate him. Is Yaz with him because she loves him or because she has to breed with him to create the super smash ultimate Ictha? Thurin and Quinna? Don't get it at all but okay. MALI AND ERRIS?? Have they even talked before???? Interacted beyond that heist that put them on hold for literal months??? What the hell, sure.

This review is not good at all but I'm genuinely flabbergasted about how horrible this conclusion is. 

If Lawrence had focused more on the actual characters instead of the breeding maybe this would've been good. Sadly, every strong moment got destroyed by his need to remind us "btw... Yaz has two boys waiting for her lol" okay and idgaf.

This is why the book of the ancestor trilogy is so much better. No romance till book three and wlw endgame.

Also love how the nuns and sweet mercy just didn't matter at all at some point. Like okay y'all just chilled and (somewhat) trained there for months but it's whatever let's just get tf outta here yeah absolutely no problem... I'm so mad.

Also love how the ending isn't satisfying at all. Quinna and Thurin fuck off, thank god I couldn't take their sudden-out-of-nowhere romance any longer. Erris dies without hearing any last words from Yaz. What happened to Mali? She just... went back or... how long did she stay... Apparently nothing is really important because let's just end the book after 500 pages of absolute waffling on about everything and literally nothing.

Never make me read this again, goodbye forever 😭
The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice

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I gotta be honest, the only good thing about this book was the beginning and the last chapter. Rice was never the mastermind y'all made her out to be and I hate that I forgot before deciding to reread this series...
Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice

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'How dare you make this decision for both of us! Do you know how I despise you! Do you know that I despise you with a passion that eats at me like a canker!' Her small form trembled, her hands hov- ering over the pleated bodice of her yellow gown. 'Don't you look away from me! I am sick at heart with your looking away, with your suffering. You understand nothing. Your evil is that you cannot be evil, and I must suffer for it. I tell you, I will suffer no longer!' Her fingers bit into the flesh of my wrist; I twisted, stepping back from her, floundering in the face of the hatred, the rage rising like some dormant beast in her, looking out through her eyes. 'Snatching me from mortal hands like two grim monsters in a nightmare fairy tale, you idle, blind parents! Fathers! She spat the word. 'Let tears gather in your eyes. You haven't tears enough for what you've done to me.'
Wrath by John Gwynne

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Original reaction: This was fucking life changing

Honestly, I have never written a well articulated or... coherent review for any Gwynne book because I'm always sooo overwhelmed by emotions and new lore. I will be trying my best now but don't expect too much.

My original reaction stands clear and hasn't changed, I doubt that it will.

This is the final book in the Blood and Honour series and, my gods, did Gwynne absolutely ace it. 

Gwynne has mastered his storytelling abilities in this one. Every single chapter packed a punch. I was constantly tearing up about deaths, flashbacks, friendships and reunions. The way that plotlines finally weaved together was just... absolutely and honestly WOW. I was genuinely speechless during so many segments. 

If you know me, I got a one-sided (friendly) beef with Gwynne. I struggle so much getting into the first 100-200 pages of his books after that I'm usually hooked even though I don't retain a lot of information. But THIS was so different. I ate these 700 pages up, was through em in just three days. 

These characters and their feelings it's family. Their love and openness about it was the most fearless and brave thing about this series. What is life if not a string of connections and moments of tenderness? 

From start to finish this books was brilliant. There isn't a single thing I would've changed about this final book. It's long and while I do believe that not every chapter was needed, I ALSO believe that every chapter gave us such insight into a character we've followed for so, so long. 

I can't wait to reread this series some day. To meet these characters again. Just... wow.
The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien

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"Frodo looked across at Sam. Their eyes met and they understood."
Finn family moomintroll by Tove Jansson

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"If I had killed myself, of course, it wouldn't have mattered. But imagine if your YOUNG PERSONS had seen me! Now, however, I intend to retire to a deserted spot and live a life of loneliness and peace, giving up everything. I have made up my mind once and for all."
The Martian by Andy Weir

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 35%.
Somehow this is just boring ash I can't do it