shriyani's reviews
191 reviews

The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern

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“Not all stories speak to all listeners,but all listeners can find a story that does, somewhere,sometime in one form or another “
The above line is so true for this novel and m sure every reader will find some of their story in this.

It is a captivating piece. Yes in the beginning I tend to loose the storyline here and there; not able to understand why this change of story. Initially it was like reading a bunch of short stories; after a while I felt it is like reading a chapter of one novel, move on to the next and next and then again come back to the 1st one
Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman

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It’s a nice compilation of short stories; like those little bedtime stories we glued to a tender age.
But did I liked it at my adult days? Well I won’t, but I must mention I had great expectations from it. Previously I read sandman series and it was really unputdownable ; so compared to those it doesn’t stand anywhere. It’s like revising mythological stories before exam
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

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And I thought I am fucked up. Lol whoever secretly thinks they are the most fucked up person in the whole world should read this book. How come no one; like no one is in their right state of mind in wind gap. 🙄🙄this is just not a thriller it’s a psychological thriller. Funny thing was I was pretty sure about the murderer but still I was reading as it’s so well narrated; and wham, the twist🤦‍♀️. OMG I was not at all prepared for that. 
It’s an wonderful narrative, the build up, the characters, the plot, the twist everything. Seriously Flynn the critic must have criticised her own novel a thousand time to pen down such a story.. 
you must wonder why 4 stars then? 😒actually it’s too raw, too much of unhealthy characters, too much of negativity.A sunshine, little bit of it may be missing.
Asura: Tale Of The Vanquished by Anand Neelakantan

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I wish I could write I love this book like anything. I loved the topic, I loved the way it narrates the long known facts with different point of views. but I wish it to be a bit more interesting. first 100-130 pages were so boring that I had to put it down and find courage to hold on to it. I guess it was after that when it find the little spark in it. altogether if anyone can survive 1st 100 pages one gonna like this book
Cut Off Your Nose by Nicki Grace

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It’s a good read.. initially in the beginning it has a nice pace and somehow I was intrigued then the same dilemma and drama goes on forever. In fact such long time between the 2nd and 3 rd threat that I started to think writer must have forgotten about it. Lol
I would give it 4.5 stars easily if only it ends here.. like why do I find out / wait for the 2 nd book.. so unfair