silverflair's reviews
38 reviews

The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman

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I enjoyed the writing style in terms of descriptions, through there could have been more done. It seems a bit disorganized.
Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller

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I know that many people personally feel that the story was either cliché and/or did not show growth, and while there could definitely be improvements in the writing I still really enjoyed this. It was also nice to see the representation of a gender nonconforming individual (even though, like I stated previously there could be improvements in this area).

I feel like it was worth my time, and honestly that's all that matters.
Empress of All Seasons by Emiko Jean

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This was a really enjoyable read, and I adored the female characters! (Not so much the males though...) Overall very nice, I did run into issues in the type of romance the author decided to include but that's a personal choice on my part. The ending, and by that I mean epilogue part, was also a little disheartening. HOWEVER don't let the negative parts stop you from picking this up. I feel that it is truly worth someone's time if they feel drawn to it.
A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay

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It was nice, not super notable for me but still able to evoke emotions.
Instinct: A Novel by Jason M. Hough, Jason M. Hough

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I choose this because it had an interesting blurb, the general idea of the story was something that got me excited. However, I didn't really feel much while reading this... it was a sort "you started, lets just finish" sort of read. There were positives, certain scenes and characters that I liked more than others, but after the first half of the book it was just... lackluster for me. 2.5 stars.
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

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I've read this multiple times, and while I do think there are some things that are unrealistic... it's not something that took my attention away from the story. I like the writing style, and I think it was worthy of the hours I've spent on it.
The Diabolic by S.J. Kincaid

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Everyone has a genre, that regardless of how many similarities the work in question has to something already in the market they will like regardless.

There's a reason certain tropes are so popular, they work.

I'm slightly ashamed to say I picked this up in the store because of the cover, but boy am I glad I did. I really enjoyed the majority of this, and honestly can't find much to complain about. The worldbuilding was wonderful to read, and I loved the political aspects which were included. The writing style, and the tone were something I received well. I was also able to connect with the characters as a reader.

I must say, the only minor disappointments I had was (I don't believe the following is, truly, a spoiler but just in case):
Spoilerthe romantic aspect of the book, and the way the majority of this world's information was condensed.
I can see how/why some readers gave this a 1 or 2 star, however they weren't that negatively impactful to me so my rating is higher.
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

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Let's see... I enjoyed the writing style, a mix between childish and "mature". And, quite simply, I cried. What more could you want to know?