simon_w's reviews
51 reviews

A Promise to the Dead by Victoria Jenkins

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Another excellent story about Detectives King and Lane. This one focusing on the disappearance of two young men.

While the crime story itself is excellent, the development of Detective King that follows on from what we learnt in [b:Nobody's Child|39403777|Nobody's Child (Detectives King and Lane, #3)|Victoria Jenkins||61062957] had me wishing for more. The interpersonal conflicts were will written and believable.
American Gods by Neil Gaiman

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While the story is well written, it completely failed to grab me. I never cared for the protagonist, the plot felt slow and the twists were either easy to see coming or had very little relevance, rendering them as little more than another plot point to accept.

The story reads like it’s trying to impart something moralistic on the reader but I have no idea what it was. Our moral guide is inconclusive around all issues he’s presented with, switching sides more often than not.
Storm Front by Jim Butcher

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An enjoyable romp. Very well written for a first novel, though pacing did feel off in a couple of places.

The ending left me amused and I’m looking forward to continuing with the series.
The Bayern Agenda by Dan Moren

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An enjoyable space opera. While the second book [a:Dan Moren|11631604|Dan Moren|] has written in this universe, following mostly the same characters, it is easy to approach for those that haven't read [b:The Caledonian Gambit|37870048|The Caledonian Gambit|Dan Moren||51867588].