sinthomo's reviews
15 reviews

The Sluts by Dennis Cooper

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of the several metafictional works on the internet that i've read lately, this one is by far the most immersive in the medium: frenzied gossip, long threads of doubting and sleuthing, the back and forth accounts of events, the momentum of public spectacle. above all is the participation in someone(s) getting devoured as desire (curiosity, lust, saviorism) runs high and any scruples give way to a sense of possession. brad's precarity and the nature of the forum ground every fantasy in the threat of further disaster, with further uncertainty. the saga of brian and brad is a lot of smoke and mirrors, but the wreckage is not.
Reproductive Technologies: Gender, Motherhood and Medicine by Michelle Stanworth

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came for the surrogacy, stayed for the demystifying of genetic ties
A Canticle For Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr.

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scintillating concept but somehow too catholic even for me
The Missing Pieces by David L. Sweet, Henri Lefebvre

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circle jerk of european cultural production