sixscorchedroses's reviews
139 reviews

A Court This Cruel and Lovely by Stacia Stark

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Did not finish book.


DNF'd at 43%. I just am not invested in the characters or the story at this point. Instead of not putting it down, I couldn't pick it back up.

I might try again at a different point but the vibes aren't vibing for me.
Gothikana by RuNyx

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the bonus chapter mystery is more intriguing than the actual mystery. and her friends had basically no character. this book is definitely more romance than plot.

i cannot get over how many times i had to read "gravel" in reference to Vad's voice.
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir

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what the fuck was that ending! i'm so mad.

i just wanted to shove them together and make them kiss but the author pulled this instead? ahhhh.
The Book of Azrael by Amber V. Nicole

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everyone i've seen on tiktok, goodreads and reddit have raved about this book.

i couldn't get into it. it reminds me of When The Moon Hatched. it's extremely slow in the beginning and doesn't really make you want to keep going.

i also just cannot get into a character who is supposed to be centuries, or over a millennia, old and still acts like their 17 years old. i get that their love language is touch, but does she have to hit him so much? sounds like high school flirting to me.

samkiel was okay, immature, but i also appreciated how he wasn't immediately all knowing. he kinda struggled with the language and interpreting meanings. it's easier to accept than if it was immediate, especially if he was away from people for centuries.

the end was as expected considering all the barely concealed foreshadowing. some people do enjoy that, but i like when the author picks me up and tosses me around the room with the twists.
The Games Gods Play by Abigail Owen

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- Percy Jackson but mix in games and more trials than you see in that YA series. This is practically a YA book besides the fact that there is one spicy scene. PJO had higher consequences than some of the Labors.

- Someone on tiktok described it as enemies to lovers, this is NOT enemies to lovers it is definitely a forbidden romance trope.

- It is also instant attraction covered up by miscommunication, Lyra's "curse" and mixed signals. He calls her "mine" less than 75 pages in.

- High angst due to the curse she bears in which she is said to be unlovable. As in she can't create meaningful relationships with anyone, not even her parents.

- It is very easy to predict what's going to happen, even in the beginning. I could practically see how the book was going to end but I was hoping I was wrong and would be pleasantly surprised. I wasn't.

Was it enjoyable? At times, yes. However it really needed more fleshing out, especially with the Labors and the side characters. I didn't feel anything when any of them died and they just sort of go away at the end, at least so far.