smpearce's reviews
116 reviews

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

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Overall, I enjoyed the book. There were some really gripping parts, but also some really slow parts that were harder to get through. There wasn’t a huge amount of depth to the characters, particularly the Silvers, but I still found them entertaining and interesting to follow. I wasn’t much a fan of the love triangle, and it didn’t help the likability of the main character. Mare was alright, but was a bit petty and inconsiderate at times. I enjoyed the plot, and while it wasn’t mind-blowingly unique by any stretch, I still found it fun and intriguing. I quite liked the ending, but made the mistake of reading the epilogue (which I felt was a cop-out of sorts), which I was disappointed in. It made me feel like the book wasn’t willing to give any real consequences or loss to the main character.

All in all, the book wasn’t life-changing, but it was a nice, light read. I’d recommend it for someone looking for something entertaining and fun to read, so long as they don’t mind a lack of complexity.
Ne t'inquiète pas pour moi by Alice Kuipers

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J’ai aimé très bien ce livre! Très intéressant et facile à lire! C’est très court, mais génial en tout façon!
Taken by Erin Bowman

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It was an enjoyable enough read, but not the most gripping. It started off really well, but I think as the book went on it got less interesting and page-turning. I really liked the plot idea and the beginning parts (up until a little after they escaped Claysoot). I thought the emotion and tension was just much better in the start. Once they’d escaped Claysoot, it was still pretty good for awhile, and I thought the scene where he first finds Emma with the other guy was done pretty well. I wasn’t a fan at all of the love triangle, and it made the MC less likeable. As for the MC, I don’t think I could say much about him. He wasn’t memorable, didn’t have too much of a personality. I think I would have enjoyed it so much more if the characters had felt more fully developed and 3D. The book, as interesting the plot was, shared a lot of similarities with the Maze Runner, and I think needed better characters to give it a less “deja vu” feeling. I did pick up the next book, but I couldn’t get into it. I was disappointed, because the other book I’ve read by Erin Bowman, Plain Kate, was completely fantastic, and I was hoping for another tear-jerker. Overall, it was a pleasant enough way to spend time, but not very “if I put this down I’ll die”.
In the End by Demitria Lunetta

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I wanted a long time to read this sequel, and was not disappointed! It felt very unique to the first book, and was just as page-turning! I couldn’t have been happier with the read, and I highly recommend this series!
Beta by Rachel Cohn

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I was really impressed with this book! I had honestly expected that it wouldn’t delve into a lot of the darker aspects of this premise, and I was really happy it did! The story and characters were done well and realistically. Highly recommend.
Breathe by Sarah Crossan

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I absolutely loved this book! The world and characters were extremely well done, and the plot was compelling! 😁

The changing perspectives were interesting and I really enjoyed them! I loved getting a chance to see the perspectives of the different groups/classes of people and how it shaped their character!

I loved the environmental forewarning, and found the plot surrounding the trees and environmental destruction to be not only intriguing, but also not too far-fetched! The world felt real and possible, which made the book that much more gripping and impactful.

I highly recommend this book to YA sci-fi and dystopian lovers!

Fourth Dimension by Eric Walters

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I really loved this spin off! It was fantastic to see more of the Rule of Three world, and the book kept me turning page after page!

Emma’s character was a great protagonist! I was sure about her at the start, but she grew a lot to protect her family and community. She quickly learned her priorities and worked for them, learning how to better defend her family and think up strategies for everyone’s protection/safety against attacks. I liked the pretend army idea a lot, it worked well with the kinds of people and equipment available, and while it wasn’t a permanent solution by any means, it was tactful thinking!

I found the plot intriguing, and it was great to read about how the communities and people all interacted/were changed by the situation.

I loved how this book connected to the Rule of Three characters at the end, it was a great contribution to the story! I’d love to see more about this world if there are any future, especially now with both communities and characters connected!

One tiny thing bugged me a little—it was just toward the very end when Wilson was giving the walkie talkie orders. I found it over explained a bit about the signal of when it was fake/real orders, like they had to mention it each time.

Overall this was another amazing read, and I really hope we get to see more! I highly recommend to any lovers of YA dystopian! 😁
Afterimage by Naomi Hughes

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This was a nice read! The story was intriguing and the characters were compelling!

I loved the inclusion of mental health issues (and not just as a plot device) and I haven’t seen this type of story a ton, which was refreshing! I really liked the dialogue between the MC and Quint, and I thought their dynamic was great.

That being said, I wanted a bit more from this book. The ending was a bit too happy to be my cup of tea, and I found the story predictable at times. I also found some things were a bit over explained and others were a bit under explained.

All in all, the book was enjoyable, but I just felt it had more potential.