snowbenton's reviews
3318 reviews

If You're in My Office, It's Already Too Late: A Divorce Lawyer's Guide to Staying Together by James J. Sexton

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I found Sexton via an interview on TikTok that was so startlingly raw and fascinating that I wanted even more of his thoughts. This book delivered (and I highly recommend the audio).

A great book to read at any point in a relationship, Sexton asks the questions we never think to ask ourselves, like What do we want out of this relationship? What does a successful relationship look like? Can we be honest with ourselves about our answers? Why is everyone fucking the nanny? (Okay, maybe that last one is more specific to his clients.)

Sexton describes his book as a how-not-to book rather than a how-to book, which is exactly the kind of refreshing take that I like.
The Crimson Campaign by Brian McClellan

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Who knew I would like gunpowder fantasy so much? This was an excellent middle book in a trilogy.
Found Audio by N.J. Campbell

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A preface, three cassette transcripts, and an afterword make up this story about some found tapes that are mysterious at best and indicative of an international conspiracy at worst.

Kind of like <i>The Black Tapes</i> podcast where what you don't know about sound can hurt you, except less spooky and without the snarky commentary. Also kind of like a Lemony Snicket book where the obvious questions never get answered, except without the humor.

I enjoyed reading it, but it needed more framework and solidity to be really good.
Nothing But Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw

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A bunch of assholes spend the night in a haunted house. The prose is nonsensical, the characters are annoying, and most egregious of all, it's not even scary.
Belle Manor Haunting by Cheryl Bradshaw

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I'm not a mother, but it's pretty insane that the day after she has a whole-ass baby Addison is running around solving crimes. The interactions with her husband and family are also extremely forced. The mystery could have been a decent story if the writing weren't so lackluster.
The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 31%.
I really tried to like this since it came so highly recommended, but it was just so dull. Gave up at 31%.