sofiadeanda's reviews
173 reviews

The Heart Goes Last by Margaret Atwood

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This novel started out great. At the beginning this story seemed very promising, I loved the whole idea of the main characters living in their car. Then, the little dystopian element that got introduced, amazing. Throughout the middle though, Atwood really lost me. I see what she intended to do, but overall it was a bit too much for my taste. At the end though, I did enjoy the plot and how the main characters ended up, it is just the little parts of their journey that I kind of hated. Like Elvis and Marilyn and then the sex robots and brain surgeries? And then all of the unnecessary sex. Like why did Jocelyn even need to have sex with Stan? Also the robots intending to recreate real, existing people. Like please, just stop. It was really when Veronica was sort of attached to the little knitted bear that did it for me. Anyway, I don't feel like this was a waste of my time but I do think that it could have been better, the whole idea was amazing but I did not love the execution.