sofiazavoli's reviews
377 reviews

Volar sobre el pantano by Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez

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Los libros sobre ayuda y motivación no son mis favoritos. Normalmente los encuentro aburridos y muy dificiles de leer.

Eso me paso con este libro, no conseguia engancharme ni me daban ganas de seguir leyendo; pero conforme fue avanzando la historia, me empezo gustar bastante.

La historia es muy buena y te da muy buenos consejos. Honestamente, ahora tengo una nueva forma de pensar y tengo muchas ganas de cambiar mi forma de vida.
A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks

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No puedo creer que me haya tardado tanto en leer un libro de Nicholas Sparks. Desde hace años que sueño con leer cualquiera de ellos. Ha sido un libro maravilloso (esa palabra es especial para que leyeron el libro), me ha encantado y definitivamente se ha convertido en uno de mis favoritos.

No voy a resumir la historia porque todo el mundo la conoce y no sé qué más podría agregarle a la sinopsis como para no revelar mucho. Solo tengo cosas buenas para decir de este libro, me ha encantado de principio a fin. Primero que nada, es una lectura muy ligera -lo leí en menos de un día- está narrado de una manera muy simple y cualquier persona es capaz de leerlo. Eso, para mí, es algo muy bueno, ya que te mantiene intrigado por saber más y hace que no quieras parar de leer hasta que acabes.

Los personajes han sido muy buenos. Landon y Jamie eran completamente opuestos, y aunque era predecible que se enamoraran, eso no cambia para nada lo hermoso de la historia. En el transcurso del libro ves como Landon va cambiando su personalidad y madurando. Al principio es un chico un poco travieso e inquieto, con ganas de hacer bromas pero durante la historia y al final se ve un cambio radical. Aunque nunca ha sido una mala persona, al final sus acciones son más nobles y es fácil notar su gran corazón. Jamie es una chica con un alma preciosa, siempre ayudando a los demás y con mucha fe; y aunque todo el mundo la veía como rara, es una chica muy normal, con los mismos temores que una persona normal.

Sí, es una historia triste, pero también es una historia muy real. Lo que muchos no saben, a pesar que el autor ya lo ha dicho, es que el libro está inspirado en la vida de su hermana, quien era como Jamie Sullivan en todos los aspectos. Personalmente, eso ha hecho que esta historia me llegara más y tenga un lugar especial en mí. El hecho de que hayan personas así de lindas en el mundo me da muchísima alegría. En general el libro me ha parecido perfecto, tiene cosas muy lindas y románticas, aunque no en exceso, tiene partes graciosas y también tristes. Lo recomiendo muchísimo a todo el mundo.
Wicked Ties by Shayla Black

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Oh my god. oh my god. This book was AMAZING oh my god.

I loved it soooo much!! the story was intence and amazing. Amazing does not make justice to the book. At first I thought it was just a fun read to entertain myself for a couple days but I was completely wrong! I read it in just hours, I couldn't put the book down!

The story was really good and fun, especially the love story. When I started this book I thought it wouldn't have a love story but it was more romantic that I thought and I loved it! I loved it because I only read this type of book for the love (and despite what everyone says, these novels are the most romantic tbh) and I was satisfied.

About the sex scenes, at first everything was cool and ok but I got bored pretty soon -I'm not saying it was bad, but I prefer the romance- but I don't care, I loved all the characters.
Belong to You by Vi Keeland

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This book. Oh my god, this book was FREAKING AMAZING. I loved it from the begging to the end. I totally loved every word of it.

Honesty, this was so different of what I expected because I thought it would be a love-triangle but it wasn't and that's so cool. I had no expectations of this book because I've never heard of it, I read it because of a Facebook book club.

The characters were amazing. Syd was a super cute girl, secure, confident, and independent; of course she had some doubts like everyone have in this world. And Jack, oh my god Jack; he's literally perfection, a super sexy business man who is a little bit control freak but super sweet. Like Syd said, outside of the room, he was a complete gentlemen and inside of the room he liked the control BUT in both he only cared about her and her needs, and that's my idea of a perfect man. He was super sweet.

The book made me laugh and made me be super excited and happy about everything. I would liked a little bit more of drama but it was completely fine like this. I'm starting the second book RIGHT NOW!


FYI: The main character, Jack Cole has THE EXACT SAME NAME of the main character of Wicked Ties by Shayla Black. Two perfect Jack Cole's are too much to my little heart <3
Made for You by Vi Keeland

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Oh my God. This book was amazing! I loved it even more than the first one. I'm actually about to cry because the ending was so perfect, cute and adorable.

In this book, the couple have some issues to deal with, but they love each other very much and they're willing to do anything to make this relationship work.

Honestly, I loved every word on this book. it was completely charged with love, fun, sweetnes and everything, absolutely everything was pure perfection. I strongly recommend this series to everyone.


- I couldn't believe when Syd's mom told her everything Jack's dad had done. It gave me the chills and I wanted to cry because he helped them a lot and Jack was thinking super bad about him.

- I hated Justin so much. I can't even understand his behavior. He was the most stupid person ever.

- Jack's POV, OH MY GOSH. At first I thought it was Sydney remembering something but when I realized it was Jack I was so excited. Seeing him affected because of Syd was the sweetest thing.

- The epilogue. OMG, that was pure perfection. I loved to know that they got married -even though it was pretty obvious- and they had Gracie, a little beautiful baby. Seeing Jack as a father literally melted my heart. I didn't know how cute he could be. I'm totally in love with him.
Hard to Love by Kendall Ryan

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This book was SO GOOD. I loved from the begging to the end. I couldn't stop reading it!!!

I fell in love with Code on the first 30 pages lol he's the best character; fun, adorable, hardworker, with a big heart and SUPER HOT!!

What I loved the most was that the book had narration for the two characters, it was confusing sometimes but I loved that I could know what they were thinking and not only the lady.

I think this is the best erotic novel that I've read because it has more love than sex, lol. Honestly, I recommend this to everyone, amazing book!