spahade's reviews
951 reviews

The Inn at Lake Devine by Elinor Lipman

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I like to read Elinor Lipman for a nice easy read, nothing to think too deeply about but still well written.
Then She Found Me (Original) by Elinor Lipman

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I liked it, I am interested to see the movie. Helen Hunt tried to get a movie made for 10 years after reading this book. Bette Middler is great casting.
Dolores Claiborne by Stephen King

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This book is all mystery, none of the gore. Plus it deals with an elderly character and a caregiver so I was in
The Midwife's Advice by Gay Courter

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This is a good follow-up to The Midwife, it is nice to see how far the character comes
The Midwife by Gay Courter

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I really liked this book, it deals with race issues, women's issues, sterotypes, all while telling an great story.
I also want to share that I have meet the author and find the fact that she wrote this very interesting
Son of a Witch by Gregory Maguire

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I had such high expectations for him and it took a while to get through this book but I am glad I read it.
Strange Fits of Passion by Anita Shreve

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After reading much of Anita Shreve's current work, I went in on this with low expectations but was really surprised by the fast pace and intensity of this book.