spo0kybxtch's reviews
207 reviews

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

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I had high hopes for this book and ,although I enjoyed it at certain parts, I did feel bored most of the time. I do enjoy a slow burner of a book this just felt slightly pointless. The romance between the two main characters didn’t feel right, I didn’t feel a spark or any chemistry between them so when they start a relationship I was confused. And the so called “battle” isn’t really a battle and it’s not really settled. Overall I enjoyed parts but won’t be re-reading the book anytime. I found myself caring more about the plot line that involved Bailey, Poppet and Widge. They were more interesting to me than the main plot point.

I did enjoy the style of writing that Erin Morgenstern uses. I felt myself sucked in when she was describing the circus itself so I would love to read her other works to see if I maybe enjoy it more than the Night Circus.
Dracula by Bram Stoker

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I couldn’t bring myself to finish this book. I had high hopes going in as I love anything horror. But the style of writing wasn’t for me. I couldn’t lose myself in the story. The style of the whole book being told through diary entries has never been a thing that I loved in books. I didn’t care for any of the characters or what was happening around them. I just couldn’t finish this book.
Usually when I don’t like a book I can still finish it but for the first time in years I didn’t finish it. I couldn’t.