Exquisitely beautiful, tender, and painful all at once. (Aforementioned lies inevitably must come home to roost) The author warned this is her first book and she got better since then, and maybe, but it was still a lovely read. For my tastes, could have added another spicy scene or two, but oh... Wasn't ready for it to end!
This is a lovely book, highly recommended. I loved reading it. It can feel a bit like a tease at times. But it's a sapphic romance where one of the main characters thinks she's straight, so there is some character development to do 😅 The way this is handled is gorgeously and sensitively written, and honestly changed me even though I already knew I was a lesbian. Past toxic relationships are discussed maturely and the patterns intentionally avoided. It may be billed as a mild "age gap", but don't fool yourself, these women are both mature adults and yet find they have more to learn about themselves.
Beautiful sapphic romance. There is a fair amount of emotional content, I did shed tears more than once reading it. You empathize with both main characters and really want them to find a way to work past their issues. Another great example of adults talking maturely about problems or mistakes and resolving issues, I love that. Not sure if I'd call it enemies to lovers, but that's probably the closest trope I'm aware of, combined with secret identity.
Way too dark for me. Even the prologue was needlessly dark, they could have set up the basic premise while inviting disturbing details. I hoped the first few chapters would go in a different direction, but nope. Still dark and disturbing. DNF
Laugh out loud, beautiful sapphic romance. Loved reading it and sharing bits from it with others. "Fake relationship" trope. Billed as slow burn, but not honestly that much slower than others I've read recently, the real spice starts about halfway through. Kind of enemies to lovers, the authors almost try too hard to sell that they're actually enemies at times, which can be a little distracting, but you can see through the charade. Power imbalance dealt with through the plot, it's another eventually healthy relationship between grown adults, you love to see it.