stewardofbooks's reviews
197 reviews

The Lucky Diamond by Valinora Troy

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Living diamonds, strange beasts, a wicked witch and five brave children and one fantastic adventure!

This is the perfect middle-grade fantasy. I loved the five siblings and their unbreakable bond. I love how they learn lessons and grow without even realising it. I love the land of Nivram and all its mystical creatures. This is a wonderful book for younger readers but it is also a fun, relaxing read for older ones.
Once I Knew by Victoria Lynn

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Elira is a kingdom in turmoil. Its people are suffering at the hands of a cruel dictator. Life is hard and uncertain and no one knows this better than Violet. Violet is a strong woman. One who pours herself out for those she loves. But she carries a lot on her shoulders for she has lost a lot. She finds a wounded soldier near her home and makes the decision to help him, adding to her burdens the fear of being discovered and punished. When she realises that he has lost his memory, she is relieved. He can bring them no harm now, can he? But events bigger than she knows are taking place and their troubles are far from over. For how long can Violet safely keep the secret of this man's true identity?

This is a beautiful story of family, loyalty, courage, love and faith. I was so touched by this book. The characters are so relatable and real. As a Christian, it is so refreshing to read a story that deals with all life's hardship from a Biblical perspective. I also really enjoyed reading a romance that revolved around something other than the physical aspect of a relationship - two people getting to know one another first and wanting to honour and care for each other rather than just hop in bed together. This is definitely a book that I am going to read and reread for a long time.
The Cosmic Principle by Abby R. Laughlin

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Caldera Keane has spent most of her adult life serving in the Vanguard, explorers on the hunt for resources for their struggling planet, Bersama. She and her closest friend and second-in-command, Rennick find themselves sent on an unusual mission and barely escape with their lives. On their return, a summons from the royal palace changes their lives permanently. It turns out that Caldera is the only heir to the late King Quill and must take up her royal duties at once. As she tries to navigate this strange new role, Caldera soon realizes that something sinister is going on and that her life, and the rest of the planet, are in danger. It is up to her and her friends to get to the bottom of it all, before it is too late.

Action, intrigue, friendships and a dash of romance: 'The Cosmic Principle' is a great debut. I loved the detailed worldbuilding, from the different species on the planet, to their tech, to the details of all the political intrigues. The story keeps you guessing all the way! The group of main characters were well written and I loved the themes of strong friendships and loyalty between them. The villains were equally well written. A few of the supporting characters seemed a little flat by comparison but since their roles are minor, it doesn't affect the story too much. The novel ends with a nice little cliffhanger that makes me want the sequel immediately. All in all, a fun, exciting sci-fi read that doesn't get bogged down with too much tech and science details.
The Swords of Blood and Gold by J.C.R. Paulino

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Jon is heartbroken after a vicious attack on the company he used to work for. While battling his own grief, he is also fending off the police, who are convinced that he is involved in the tragedy. At last Jon decides to investigate for himself and embarks on a wild quest with his former boss' daughter and one of his best friends. It soon turns out that the last treasure hunt his company went on, holds the key to this extraordinary mystery.

While this story has all the elements for an exciting adventure story, it missed the mark for me in a couple of places. Although the blurb focusses on Jon's treasure hunting skills and the idea of underwater treasure hunting, very little actual treasure hunting took place. Most of the book read like a detective story instead. I kept waiting for the ocean adventure and was disappointed when almost all the action stayed on land. I also did not quite expect the amount of gore and found myself skipping a few of those scenes. I liked the way that the ancient legend came into play but in parts it did not blend well with the rest of the story and felt a little forced.

I did enjoy the characters and thought that the way their emotions and journey through their grieving process was really well-written and touching. I also liked the fact that I could never quite guess what was going to happen next.

All in all, while the book was not for me, it is still a fun adventure story, full of action and plot twists and suspense.
Sculpting Fables by Rachel Huffmire

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This is a delightful retelling of the classic Cinderella fairytale but set in ancient Egypt! I love the fact that this story of Rhodopis could actually be the Cinderella origin story, it makes me love the classic fairytale even more. I love the attention to detail that went into the historical setting and the sneaky appearance of another famous character (won't name names here...!).

Revenge of Queen Rose by Valinora Troy

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I adored 'The Lucky Diamond' by Valinora Troy and this sequel did not disappoint!

The five plucky siblings are back and exploring strange new lands, fighting a giant serpent and their old enemy, Witch Rose.

I love that this story went in a whole new direction while still having strong links to the previous book. This time we see a lot more of Prince Paul who has matured into a capable ruler and good friend. I love how each of the siblings has grown and changed from the previous book while still being the same characters with the same personalities that I loved from the first book. We also learn a little more about the children's heritage which is exciting.

The book is filled with all the creatures from the previous story as well as a host of new ones. I love the creativity and the carefully thought out way that all the different characters and places are pulled together to form a whole. This book is absolutely delightful!
Fated to Live by C Phillip

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A defeated kingdom, a fugitive princess and a brave warrior determined to find her. This is an epic tale of magic, mystery and courage set in ancient India.

I have never read anything set in ancient India before and this book was a great first. I enjoyed all the attention to detail that helped me understand something of the culture of the time. Satya/Amodini is a brave woman who isn’t afraid to go the extra mile in pursuit of her dream to be a physician and who will risk anything for her patients – I love her. I loved her two protectors too, they are such a darling couple. The backdrop of political intrigue combined with the fact that no one has figured out Satya’s secret was exciting and I am definitely curious to see what happens next.

I would have liked to see a little more of Satya's everyday life before she met General Veerata and a little more about her family's history (but maybe that will come in book two!). All in all, a quick fun read that leaves you eager for the rest!
The Mapmaker's Daughter by Clare Marchant

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Two women, worlds apart, yet wrestling with the same pain of losing a dear one, linked together by a magnificent map. Freida is always afraid, running from a past that always seems to be coming back to haunt her. Robyn is hiding from her grief and doesn't know how to pick up the pieces of her life again. Both women have to learn how to reach for their hidden strength to carry on.

This book is heartbreakingly beautiful. Clare Marchant so beautifully brings out the pain and grief of these two women and so beautifully navigates their journey of healing. It is breathtaking. Add to that the element of mystery as Robyn researches the map's history and the wild adventure as Freida navigates the dangers of Queen Elizabeth's court and you have a book that is impossible to put down. The two different time periods and viewpoints were masterfully done.

I was fascinated by this piece of history, one that I don't know very much about, even though I am a descendant of some of those brave Huguenots. The writing is so descriptive that I feel as if I have walked every step of Freida's journey myself and I loved it. Definitely a new favourite book!