storybrookebooks's reviews
32 reviews

In Covenant with Ezra by Love Belvin

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⚠️ This book contains explicit language and sexual situations (aka rated R; recommended for Mature audiences only aka for the Grown-Grown folks
Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson

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4.5 stars /5

“Mary B. Addison killed a baby. Allegedly.”

The only thing I have to say about this book is WOW. I finished this book in a week—something I haven’t done in a long time. I was trying to read another book and this one at the same time and had to put the other book down, that’s how good it was. I don’t want to go in to too much detail about it, but trust me: it’ll have you hooked. *One of my previous posts has the synopsis for it* I will say the ending left me with questions and had me thinking somebody ripped the real last chapter or epilogue out of my book
An American Marriage by Tayari Jones

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“Husband. Wife. What God has brought together, let no man tear asunder.”

At a quick glance, one would think this is just a novel about marriage. Skimming through the summary, one would think it’s a story about betrayal and injustice. After reading the novel, I would say that it’s about these things + so much more. Tayari Jones brilliantly wrote a novel that houses the topics of black marriage (the good, the bad, and the ugly), the influence of familial backgrounds, how cheating is viewed when a man does it vs when a woman does it, an unjust justice system and the affects it has on innocent black men, and the list can go on.

Many reviews I read prior to reading this book stated that there were no likable characters (some excluded Big Roy though), so I was a tad bit nervous when I picked up the book. What do I say now that I’ve finished? Well…I agree. However, I didn’t look at these characters and think “I hate these people”; I looked at them and their decisions and empathized with them *at times* and saw them for what they were: flawed, complex characters. And if I’m honest, they look a lot like people that I’ve met before. I commend Jones on how she wrote these characters as well.

Is this a novel I would recommend to any and everyone? Probably not and that’s just my honest opinion. Don’t be immediately deterred though—I’d say give it a shot if you’re really interested in it and if you’re not looking for perfect, likable characters. All in all, I thought An American Marriage was an interesting book with lovely writing and it will have you reflecting on a lot.
Tempest by Beverly Jenkins

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(4.5 stars)/5

*light spoilers *

Tempest started off with a bang—no, literally—Regan shot her fiancé Colton in the shoulder before they even formally met--on accident of course. Initially, I was nervous about reading Tempest because of the genre (Historical fiction / historical romance), but it turned out a lot better than I could have imagined. Jenkins is highly skilled at blending history with steamy romance in this book (⚠️FYI - if you're not a fan of sex scenes, this is not the book for you).

Regan Carmichael-Lee was a fierce, unforgettable lead character (AKA a historical fiction bad bihhhh, okay
We're Going to Need More Wine: Stories That Are Funny, Complicated, and True by Gabrielle Union

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Prior to reading this, Gabrielle Union was just a familiar face I’d seen on my TV screen since I was a kid. I liked her as an actress, but she wasn’t an actress whose personal life I wanted to delve into. I haven’t even watched many of her interviews. However, I would always see this book on my timeline so my curiosity got the best of me and I bought it.

We’re Going to Need More Wine was like sitting at a dinner table and listening to Gabrielle share some of her life stories. She seems to lay it all out there, her voice strong, clear, and blunt. She also uses some stories to highlight topics like sex, racism, break-ups, life as a step parent and so much more. It’s not in chronological order, but I guess real storytelling over wine isn’t either.

Once I finished the book, I realized that a common theme weaved in between the stories was fear, which was equally something I wasn’t expecting and something I liked. If there was one chapter I had to re-read over and over again, it would be Chapter 6: “Who Hates You Most?” because the story about Queeshaun was hilarious.

I would first recommend We’re Going to Need More Wine to big fans of Gabrielle Union. And if you’re like me—someone who’s not a huge fan but someone curious about her life, I would recommend reading a sample of it to see if you like it and then proceed from there. Coming from someone who rarely reads nonfiction, I personally liked it and found a few gems in it.

⚠️TW: Sexual assault & explicit language
Shu by Alexandria House

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Out of the three, Shu is my favorite. He’s what I would call a “quiet storm” and I really liked that about him. For the entire series, I would change how love/lust/relationships seemed to make them feel whole, but that’s just me. Other than that, I liked it and thought it was a decent series.

If you’re looking for a quick, dark, erotic series on Kindle/Kindle app, this might be the one for you. ⚠️TW: Abuse, explicit language & sexual situations.
Jah by Alexandria House

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For the entire series, I would change how love/lust/relationships seemed to make them feel whole, but that’s just me. Other than that, I liked it and thought it was a decent series.

If you’re looking for a quick, dark, erotic series on Kindle/Kindle app, this might be the one for you. ⚠️TW: Abuse, explicit language & sexual situations.
Set by Alexandria House

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For the entire series, I would change how love/lust/relationships seemed to make them feel whole, but that’s just me. Other than that, I liked it and thought it was a decent series.

If you’re looking for a quick, dark, erotic series on Kindle/Kindle app, this might be the one for you. ⚠️TW: Abuse, explicit language & sexual situations.
A Merry Little Filthmas by Nicole Falls

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You know that meme/video where the dude is like “They had us in the first half, I’m not gone lie” ?

Well, that was how I felt for this novella