sukebanangel's reviews
84 reviews

Cleopatra and Frankenstein by Coco Mellors

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
They are just quirky and different omg
BEASTARS 22 by Paru Itagaki

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I’m not good at reviews but honestly what was the epilogue chapter? I am somehow more confused and so many threads have not been tied while also kind or rushing that tying?
Aside of the last chapter, this manga is incredible, it has so quickly climbed its way into my top5, I cannot recommend it enough to anyone who wants to get into reading manga but all their friends are always recommending bs like jojo or shonen. Stop it, not everyone is in it for the fights, give me morality, give me drama, give me… furries?

La casa de Bernarda Alba by Federico García Lorca

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This is literally my favourite book idk man old timey sexist spain tale
Tomie: Complete Deluxe Edition by Junji Ito

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The art is cool but honestly I don’t thrive without worldbuilding, plot or explanation so it was simply not for me.