sumsreadsalot's reviews
168 reviews

You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle

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Its been a while i read something that was so interesting and deep that i couldnt put it down! I finished this in less than 24 hrs! Which is a record for me. Loved Naomi and Nicholas story. The beginning was hilarious! This woman is scary but also relatable on so many levels i couldnt help but laugh at her antics!
Overall a beautiful love story that i thoroughly enjoyed and would highly recommend!
From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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'Some truths do nothing but destroy and decay what they do not obliterate'

Ok so Jennifer is officially on my favourite author list now because i do love her style of writing. The way the sentences flow together and she makes you feel like you're there in the midst of the action. I did enjoy her writing style however...

The beginning and end of this book is... questionable but i wouldn't say it put me off. The beginning dragged slightly but once i got into the book, i couldn't put it down!

The ending was dragged out aswell. In my opinion it should've ended on a cliffhanger as soon as the 'twist' was revealed for maximum effect. I hate books that end like that but since the 2nd book is out, it would've been fine hehe.

I would recommend this book for people who love their fantasy with werewolves and vampires although i wouldn't compare it to Twilight or anything like that. I'm not into all that but i think it was done quite well here.

3 stars because of the beginning and especially the ending.

Furyborn by Claire Legrand

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Where to begin? Well let's start at the beginning shall we.... this book started off so well and had so much promise, I was so prepared to give it at least a 4 star rating but alas... it all fizzled out.

Let's discuss the fundamental factor that put me off the book as i progressed- the dual POV. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for dual POVs, in fact I've read many books like that and enjoyed them...if they are done well! With this one however, I felt like i was reading two books simultaneously and the whiplash from one POV to the other was jarring! You get a feel of Rielle's character and get a little into her story and then it ends in a cliffhanger and you're thrown into Elaine's world. It was so frustrating, i felt like reading all of Rielle's POV first and then moving onto Elaine's just so it flows better.

I'm all for worldbuilding but i feel like it happened throughout the book in fits and spurts so by the time i was halfway through the book, i was still trying to figure out what exactly was happening. Although i have to say, everything came together well in the end.

We also kept getting introduced to new character after new that i struggled to keep up and had to go back and reread when they were introduced to figure out who they were.

And can we talk about the MCs and their love interests?? I'm struggling to pinpoint one personality trait of theirs because they're all just so...bland! I felt nothing towards them and kept questioning why i didn't care about them at all even towards the end. I just feel like they were not written well at all even though the potential was there.

The amount of times i thought i would DNF this book but i forged on till the end because i really wanted to like this book. I have never hated reading a book more than this one. The struggle was real!

2 stars because of the beginning, the idea, and little REMY! The only redeeming character of the book!