sunsetcici's reviews
149 reviews

The Idiot by Elif Batuman

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my favourite genre of book is "books with zero plot" but this book has plagued for for the last few months and i thank god i have finished it. i loved the first part but it lost me once Ivan started showing up more as their conversations were unbearable to read. there was so much repetition because they never seem to hear what the other person has said. I really thought i would love this book but the fact that it took me so long to read says it all. 
Verse, Chorus, Monster! by Graham Coxon

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I have read a few music memoirs and a lot of them don't seem to embrace they were a pop band, this is also one of them. It seemed like it was Coxon trying to convince us (and himself?) that Blur were "arty" and had deep lyrics when I don't think the average fan sees them that way? I am left with the impression that he would have preferred to have been in a different, more underground band with a not so "laddish" look. In saying that I did enjoy this book enough to finish it, I would have liked to seen a non conventional biography from him instead of the usual "we got to together, things were great, problems, things are okay now", it would have been interesting to see him tell his story through art or just something that wasn't borderline boring (or at least add a bit of gossip in it to keep us interested).