sunshinemilk's reviews
771 reviews

Wayward: A Memoir of Spiritual Warfare and Sexual Purity by Alice Greczyn

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Author uses ableist and racist language throughout. I did feel a certain sense of camaraderie with her due to all of the religious abuse that she experienced. I was also physically assaulted by Rodney Howard Brown when I was around 6 years old - homeschooled myself, oldest of 5 children.

I wanted this novel to be shorter and the language to have been more thoughtful.
How to Keep House While Drowning: 31 Days of Compassionate Help by KC Davis, KC Davis

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Love this author and this book! Some really powerful truths.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

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Every few years I do a re-read of the entire series. I just bought myself some Turkish Delight after a rough week and I think I may need to do that this year
The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler's Ghettos by Judy Batalion

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My heart is absolutely broken. I grew up hearing stories like this but never with this much detail and care. I felt that I was with them while they were having these whispered conversations, dying their hair, hiding dynamite in their underthings.

It was beautiful that the author honored survivors that couldn’t ‘survive.’ These stories steal the breath right from your throat. I cannot imagine the burden and the joy that must have come from the years it took to create this book. It must have been such a journey.

I will be lighting a candle for these women tonight.
Deathless Divide by Justina Ireland

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I’m emotional, yall! That was such an amazing ending. I just wish there was a third book! Looking forward to the book of short stories from the same world.
All Systems Red by Martha Wells

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HIGHLY suggest the audiobook
The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty

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Updated review after a second read through:

White authors shouldn’t write slurs into their books that don’t belong to them. I’m over it.
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

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“Be true to your Dick.”

I know that was a person’s name but Wtf. This book was so uncomfortable and obviously triggered the heck out of me. His pedophilia, stalking, and self-importance reminded me of no less than three white men I knew growing up that abused me horribly. This really isn’t even a unique enough story and it was truly boring.

Boring and gross. Anyone who agrees with the label of “romance” should literally be on a list tbh

Don’t let me stop you from reading it. I get it. I felt like I wanted to have this on my “I’ve read that” list. Was it worth it? Ew..probably not.

Oh ps the letter from a psychologist at the beginning of the book was laughable. I also was on tumblr from 2009-2014 so you don’t have to remind me about what the authors “intentions” were:)