swarrenauthor's reviews
128 reviews

Darkest Fear by Cate Tiernan

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I give this book 4 starts, loved it!!
A little bit of the plot: Your main character Vivi has a secret part of her culture she has been denying since her parents introduced her to it when she was young. Now as a young adult she deals with a great tragedy and has no choice but to open herself up to this part of her heritage she denied since she was 13.
This book is the begining of her journey to find answers and accepting her heritage.

I loved this book. It get's 4 stars. Cate Tiernan did an excellent job keeping the writer engaged. The book was not predictable at all and kept me guessing. She developed the characters wonderfully, making everyone have their own role that contributed to the story as a whole.
The Majesties by Tiffany Tsao

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The plot was excellent. It went through the life of two sisters. They were wealthy and struggled with independence, marriage and their careers. The family turned out to go to any extent to protect their fortune. It had some major twists towards the end of the book that left my jaw opened.

The book was hard for me to understand, to keep up. The author, Tiffany Tsao wrote in a very specific culture that I am not familiar with. The language and references she used were of this culture.

She did an excellent job with descriptions and imagery but sometimes it was lost to me. I had to look up, research and take notes on over 50% of the book. That made it lose it's fiction thriller excitement.
There were some points were I had to put the book down. She was going on, what seemed like tangents to me. I lost the beauty in her descriptions and scene setting because the language is something I am not used to.
Incendiary by Zoraida Córdova

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I never give 5 stars

This is a fantasy novel and I loved it. I loved the different take on magic and how it was used. The book have enough suspense and twists to keep you interested.
There is nothing I can say needed to be better. The plot was good. The scharacters were well developed and you create emotional ties to them. The book was not predictable but kept you guessing about what would happen next.

I highly recommend this book for anyone who likes fantasy - magic books.
The 38 Most Common Fiction Writing Mistakes by Jack M. Bickham

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It was really good information but I struggled to read it through. Thought myself skimming and only reading the beginning of each chapter good to have as a reference though
Burned: Smoke and Fire Series Book 1 by Suzanne Winslow

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4.5 stars!

I loved this book. The Suzanne did an excellent job steering my feelings for the characters. I laughed, I yelled at the characters. It was a truly amazing story that wasn't predictable at all. Everything I guessed what was going to happened the story went in a different direction.

The only thing I wish was that it was either a stand alone or series about Matt and Jenifer. Seeing there was another book but about Nate was a little disappointing. I'm sure I will love his story too though.