swiftysav's reviews
52 reviews

It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover

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I had no idea what this book was about going into it and I definitely feel like there should be some trigger warnings on it. Domestic abuse specifically. It was hard to read at some points but I think that was the point. It was an eye opening book for me but I wish I had known what I was getting into.
Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas

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Somehow even though I knew it was coming this book still broke me. The characters and relationships just got better with every book. I cried so much throughout this book happy and sad tears. As soon as I finished I just wanted to start reading them all again.
Ryan Rule by Sadie Kincaid

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I didn’t think I would like this book as much as I did! It’s pretty much smut with a little plot, but I liked the storyline. I like the characters and their relationships with each other. I’m excited to see where this story goes!
Ryan Redemption by Sadie Kincaid

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Damn these books are keeping me on the edge of my seat! Wtf even happened at the end. I’m so mad and worried. I now love all the characters and if something happens to one of them I’m going to be pissed. I’m jumping straight into the third book now obviously.
Ryan Retribution by Sadie Kincaid

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Definitely liked this one better than the second one, but that cliffhanger!! Ugh these books are so good. I haven’t been this sucked into a series since I first read ACOTAR in 2017. The relationships and the character growth is great. Plus all the twists and turns keep me hooked.
Ryan Renewed by Sadie Kincaid

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4.5/5 Probably my favorite of the series! I loved the twists and turns in this one. I loved bingeing this series! I’ll definitely be checking out this authors other work in the future!
The Serpent and the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent

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3.5/5 It definitely starts out slower like all fantasy books do, but the world building was great. I liked the characters and how you were constantly guessing at what was happening and if you could trust the narrator’s perspective on it. I do feel like it was predictable. After reading so many fantasy/romance books I could tell where this book going before I was halfway through. There were still some elements that surprised me and I will be continuing with the series!