sydneys_neverendingtbr's reviews
107 reviews

Rules of Our Own by J. Wilder

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 60%.
I just wasn’t feeling it 🤷🏻‍♀️ the smut was okay, the characters were okay, it was all just okay.
Powerless by Elsie Silver

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I think about halfway through this book, hater glasses slid over me and I just could not get them off. I really liked the first half but once their relationship took the next step, I just couldn’t care. I really did not like Jasper’s 180 personality turn. 

The biggest thing though, I did not see how they were best friends. Their best friend-ness is based on a single truly vulnerable moment between them, but seemingly nothing else? I can think of one moment in their adulthood pre-book that shows their friendship. 

Also, the tattoo??????????????? Talk about a clunky plot point. 
Her Soul for Revenge by Harley Laroux

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I really loved this dynamic and Juniper’s character. As a chronically grumpy woman, it’s very rare that any FMC feels relatable in any way. They are often bubbly, witty, or naive. Juniper is none of those things. She’s angry, vicious, and bitter. It’s all completely justified and Zane loves her for it. 

I do feel like it was a tish too long but it moved at a good pace so it didn’t feel excessive.
Losers: Part II by Harley Laroux

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I think this story is really going to stick with me. There’s something about the pure love and devotion between all the characters that had me really emotional. When there’s soft moments, they ache with tenderness. When there’s sexual moments, it’s insanely hot, there’s truly no other words. It just so wonderful to be a fly on the wall and see this relationship bloom into something so genuine. 

I was a bit disappointed that in either books, Jess never used her safe word. I think that’s a missed opportunity for some character development and a way to showcase some softer sides.
Losers: Part I by Harley Laroux

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I truly could not look away from this book. It sucked me and never let go. 

I was really hesitant to read this at first because I do NOT like bully romance. I could never love someone who was cruel to me. But the approach in this book is way different than I thought it would be. Jessica is a lot more likable than I would have expected, and I adore the guys so much. 

I will say the first third-ish is a bit hard to get through. Especially with the big event that kicks everything off, I was truly afraid for Jessica. I thought things would go south really quick. But it definitely mellows out and tensions start to ease just a bit, enough for some kinder sides to show on everyone’s part. 
The Dare by Harley Laroux

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Something sick and twisted has awoken in me and no I don’t want to talk about it. 
Baby & the Late Night Howlers by Kathryn Moon

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I think the biggest draw back of this book is that you meet all the guys basically right away and it can get so confusing, especially with their real names and ‘club names’.