takingoverthesun's reviews
389 reviews

Concerning My Daughter by Kim Hye-Jin

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I don’t think I was supposed to cry as much as I did! I couldn’t give this 5 stars though because
I wanted more resolution with the daughter! just 10 more pages!
A Bánh Mì for Two by Trinity Nguyen

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Cute quick read but the pacing/ timeline could’ve been better. Everything feels like it happened in 2 weeks but I’m not sure what the timespan of this was. 
Me, My Dad and the End of the Rainbow by Benjamin Dean

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Wholesome sweet little book. Had a hard time reading it sometimes because it was middle grade but I knew what it was when I picked it up. It would be a good pride month read  
Isaac's Song by Daniel Black

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This companion book to Don’t cry for me wasn’t necessary (That’s how good don’t cry for me was as a standalone) but I’m so glad it exists!! I just love how this is told from Isaac’s perspective as he goes to therapy and reflects on his childhood and upbringing. Seeing this perspective after knowing about the fathers perspective in don’t cry for me just made me cry for both Issac and Jacob. 

"It's like I made up a history. My memory doesn't support my frustrations. Not completely." 
"It rarely does. We make people what we need them to be so our feelings make sense. Everyone does it."

I liked how in reflecting on his life, Isaac realized why his dad was the way he was and that there were times where he had appreciated his mom but not his dad because his memory told him that his dad was the bad guy but the events didn’t always portray that. I liked seeing Isaac go through a journey of forgiveness and I just died when he went home to read all of his father’s letters from Don’t cry for me. I just wish there was more closure for Isaac outside of him writing his families story, which I did also really like. Does he find love? Does he live on the land? I wish some of these questions were answered and not just in the air.
The Risk It Takes to Bloom: On Life and Liberation by Raquel Willis

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Good but it felt long. It had my interest more in the first 2/3 than the last third
No Son of Mine: A Memoir by Jonathan Corcoran

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I wish the author narrated the audiobook :(   but it still very good