tales_of_monika's reviews
175 reviews

Gwiazdka pełna życzeń by Klaudia Bianek

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Pierwszą część zimowych przygód Oliwii i Oskara przeczytałam jakieś dwa tygodnie temu i zakochałam się w magicznej, zimowej atmosferze zawartej w książce.

,,Gwiazdkę pełną życzeń" skończyłam czytać w Wigilię. Tak jak pierwsza część, porwała mnie od samego początku i nie mogłam jej odłożyć. I, tak jak pierwsza część, mocno chwyciła za serce.

Oliwia i jej siostra od kilku lat nie miały dobrego kontaktu ze swoją mamą. Tym razem mama pojawia się w książce, wprowadzając niezłe zamieszanie do codziennego życia bohaterów. Razem z nowym facetem przyjeżdża do Polski z ,,niespodzianką" i zamiarem spędzenia czasu ze swoimi córkami.

Brak zaangażowania ze strony matki Oliwii sprawił, że zaczęłam bardziej doceniać swoją mamę, mimo, że nasze relacje też nie są idealne. Zdałam sobie sprawę, że chociaż często się kłócimy to przynajmniej uczęstniczy w moim życiu, a nie wszyscy mają tyle szczęścia.

Książka wprawia w świąteczny nastrój. Jest pełna miłości, przebaczenia i świątecznej radości. Bardzo polecam ją na chłodny zimowy wieczór.
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

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The first bullet point I wrote down about this book was "hey, why didn't I read this sooner??"
Złodzieje snów by Maggie Stiefvater

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In this part we learn more about Ronan Lynch and his family. Ronan does not have an easy life and his family history is full of secrets.

Just like with the previous book I was drawn in immediately from the start. The Dream Thieves is definitely darker than The Raven Boys. What I really liked was that practically all of the characters are included in the storyline in their own way. Usually you don't hear much about the main character's family.

The author messes around with the conception of time in a very interesting way. There were a feq situations in which things already happened even though they had no right to happen yet. The mystery of these books and the way everything comes together at the end makes me want to continue reading as soon as possible.
Dlaczego król elfów nie znosił baśni by Holly Black

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I couldn't wait to start this book. I love The Folk of the Air trilogy and I could finally get a look at Cardan's way of thinking and see what he thought about Jude and others.

The book is beautifully illustrated, which makes reading it more enjoyable. The pictures set a magical mood and portray the mystery of the characters. I read it in one sitting despite telling myself that I'll only read half.

We get to find out what shaped Cardan into the person we know from the trilogy. He could never trust anyone - even his closest friends managed to stab him in the back.

We also see that his mind is often filled with thoughts about Jude. And although at first he thinks it's hatred, we all know that's not the case.

I really like the use of stories in the different stages of Cardan's life. The mirror his thoughts and his past quite well.
Infinity Son by Adam Silvera

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Infinity Son is my first encounter with this author. Being honest, I expected a bit more, especially since the book is so popular on bookstagram. I'm not saying it was extremely bad. It was average, but still nice and easy to read.

The action takes place in present times, which definitely makes it easier to imagine, and has an element of fantasy. It's told from different characters' point of view - mainly brothers Emil and Brighton. Emil is somewhat quiet while Brighton is lively and yearns to get power and fame.

Both of them want to become heroes. Each brother feels like he's the other's sidekick. I wasn't a big fan of Brighton. I think he's selfish and just wants fame and approval from others. He's often jealous of his brother when everyone's attention is on him.

There's a lot happening at the very end of the book but I thought the ending was quite predictable. It's not a fantastic book, but I think it's worth reading anyway.
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

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I heard good things about this book and after reading it I can definitely understand why everyone loves it so much.

The story is enchanting and truly magical. I love books set in the Victorian era, between the 19th and 20th century. Everything just seems more poetic and mysterious. Here the author introduces a lot of different elements. She transports the reader through time. Where one chapter would be happening before the circus was formed, the next would show it during it's peak. All of the elements connect slowly throughout the book like pieces of a puzzle.

I always thought this would be a love story. There is a bit of romance but for me the book is more about how the circus came to life and how the love for art can unite people and cause new friendships to form.
Hook's Revenge by Heidi Schulz

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This was such a fun little book! I read it in about 5 hours.

If you know me well enough, you'll know that I am in love with the story of Peter Pan and I will read/watch anything based on it. Which is how I came across Hook's Revenge.

The author has a fantastic way of telling the story. We are introduced to our narrator in the prologue, which gives the book a nice feeling. It's like being a child and listening to your grandfather telling a story (that is, if your grandfather was a pirate).

The narrator takes on an adventure along with Jocelyn Hook - a rebellious 12/13 year old girl who will not abide to society's rules. She travels to Neverland to avenge her deceased legend of a father with the help of a pirate crew, a few friends and, of course, Mr. Smee himself.

Personally I think it's a brilliant book. It's definitely not what I expected, but in a good way. The chapters are nice and short, which helps in keeping the reader focused. The witty and sarcastic comments that the narrator makes add to the atmosphere and the storytelling definitely makes the book much more enjoyable than if it was to be told from the main character's point of view.

I don't think I've ever laughed that much while reading. Especially the pirate glossary at the end. Amazing. And although it's definitely a book for the younger audience, it's nice to get a break from what you would typically read.
Wiedźma z lustra by Maggie Stiefvater

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,,Wiedźma z lustra" to trzecia część serii o przygodach Blue, Gansey'a, Adama, Ronana, Noah'a i innych.

Bardzo zżyłam się z tymi bohaterami. Uwielbiam Blue i Gansey'a - są przesłodcy. Cały czas główny wątek zostaje ten sam - znaleźć Glendowera. Jednak cały czas pojawiają się nowe wątki, które utrzymują czytelnika w napięciu.

Myślę, że gdybym przeczytała tą serię kilka lat wcześniej, miałabym do niej mniej więcej taki sam sentyment jak do ,,Darów anioła".

Ciekawym dodatkiem do serii jest Gwenllian - pomaga ona Blue w zrozumieniu kim jest. Jest bardzo niecodzienną postacią i sama jeszcze nie wiem, czy ją lubię czy nie.

Pod koniec w książce robi się bardzo intensywnie, aż nie można się oderwać (siedziałam do 3ciej rano, żeby tylko skończyć). A zakończenie zwaliło mnie z nóg. Już nie mogę się doczekać aż zacznę ostatnią część.
My Policeman by Bethan Roberts

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I'm sure it will come as no surprise for you to hear that the only reason I picked this book up was because Harry Styles will be playing in its movie adaptation