Mari is amazing and I loved how much Bowen shoved his foot in his mouth but because we get his POV we know he doesn’t mean the things he says the way he says them (can’t get that in real life with a man 🥲)
That said I almost gave this book a 3.75 because the ending with her self-enthrallment and some of the other witch stuff was just straight up confusing? I think more context/explaining would have been a tad helpful.
I will say it took *finishing* the book to retroactively piece together some of the magic logic. But the way Nix’s predictions played out were 10000% delicious and made Bower’s grief so much more understandable. Eff Mariah for enchanting him just to run away from him 😭 so that is why I ended up giving 4 stars.
The FML was cute and fiery. The ML is swoony sweet.
I really liked how the brothers reaction played out in terms of the drama. It was a four until the very odd choice of epilogue lol theoretically this epilogue is “realistic” and HEA but why the eff did three people need to be hospitalized WITH less than 5% of the book left 😩 truly a poor choice for a romance I got whiplash pun intended
I just don’t know how or why but this has been the worst one of the series so far so it’s good I didn’t read it first. It was just soooo boring? I only read it for the “mystery” of her ex-fiancé but I was tapped out probably 30-40% in and just sped it up and skipped the very ridiculous to read spice scenes lol
I KNEW HOW IT WOULD END but that said I was HOOKED and literally stayed up until 4 am to finish it lool
It was really entertaining but I think some parts or it read a bit awkwardly? Idk how to describe it but again super good read and I think I’m officially a Quincy reader/fan but I wouldn’t reread this probably.
ML was lovable and FL was a solid mix of boss and softie. I did like how he would flit around after her and “save her” but she is still her own savior in her own right.
The ending was kinddda predictable but I did like the way it played out. I am glad Bowen has his own book bc I was feeling maddddd sad for him honestly lol
Idk if Cole really meant this but the book does pose an interesting question around how many people have experienced loss they wish to reverse and is it right for only one or two people to “reverse” their loss?
I really liked Willow and I also think Hayes is a great partner for her. That being said, I think around the 70% mark I was very disappointed by the very dragged out ending. Without spoilers, I will say the plot just went from being a small town romance to eat pray, love energy.
For those of you that don’t mind spoilers I just feel like the trip to Japan while conceptually I understood the messaging around. It was unnecessary and felt very random. It completely skewed the pacing all for the café to not even matter within a couple chapters and we went from Willow being someone who is a spirited person, but in the town for the most part, not really mentioning wanting to leave as much to it being this whole conversation group oiler> about what they need to do as a couple to be happy and who needs to sacrifice their dreams or their goals and I don’t understand why it was such a Dramatic presentation. I feel like the message was true. I agree with the concept that a partner shouldn’t sacrifice for the other but rather come to a healthy compromise — but the Socratic seminar set up of the scene, just felt very preachy as opposed to part of the novel’s plot and honestly, I think everything just went down downhill after the trip to Japan. It just felt very, very specific to what the author wanted as opposed to what felt natural to the scenes and energy of the books, starting set up.