Decidi ler pq a vida toda ouvi as pessoas falarem da obra e até então já tinha visto milhares de releituras em filmes e séries e nunca havia gostado dos personagens. O livro me surpreendeu: Catherine e Heathcliff não são os adultos mimados que eu pensava que eram. Na verdade eles tem sérios transtornos mentais, natos ou adquiridos pela educação disfuncional que receberam (incluir Earnshawn pai e filho nessa equação me faz pensar mais ainda que seja realmente algo familiar). Tendo isso em mente é até complicado pensar que Heathcliff ou qualquer outro personagem seja um vilão. Não sei se a intenção da autora era demonstrar a complexidade do ser humano, provavelmente não era, mas foi isso que pude inferir da obra. Achei interessante que embora o livro seja escrito na 3a pessoa, o narrador não é onisciente. Fazia tempo que não lia histórias em que o narrador participava. Isso deixa a obra ainda mais complexa pq não temos um narrador imparcial, a senhora Dean relata os fatos a partir de suas observações, seus sentimentos, tomando partidos e decisões que influenciam na história. Por fim fica aqui a reflexão: como teria sido a história caso os acontecimentos tivessem sido diferentes?
O livro se vende como uma fantasia baseada em mitologia sul-americana mas pouco se fala dos assuntos. Os seres fantástico são descritos de forma breve, única coisa que sei é que Reina é de uma espécie que tem rabo e que Eva tem chifres e ambas espécies são cada vez mais raras. Mas há pouca apresentação dos seres fantásticos e até desenvolvimento de personagens. Os diálogos parecem escritos por um aluno de ensino fundamental, sem descrever emoções ou ações, apenas falas soltas. A resolução da história é também corrida e simplista. Exceto pelo capítulo final que soaram como 100 páginas de dois personagens falando nada com nada. Até que gostei das personagens e se a história tivesse sido melhor desenvolvida eu até pensaria em pegar o restante da trilogia para ler.
I’ll probably do a reread soon to review everything it taught me. Too much information to digest on a first read, also I want to make sure I’ll start applying the learnings to my life.
What an amazing journey of self discovery, healing and freedom. I still have no words to describe how this book has changed me but I know it did. It opened my mind and taught me different ways of living, different relationship dynamics, different ways of experimenting sex and aging. It has also broken my heart with so many stories of abused women, some of them while still little girls, some of them with the consent of their own mother, who should know better and protect, and stories about the prejudice african women suffer when living abroad, being seeing as good women to have sex with but not to be married with, even by african men. This book is a reminder that violence against women is very real and still present on our society.
The book just kept me anguished but I couldn’t stop reading it. The ending was difficult, I felt nauseated, unhopeful and once again, anguished. I had to take many pauses, I could only complete it after I told my husband that I needed to share everything that was happening so I could put out my feelings. Well done, RF Kuang, I missed reading books with so well written characters and I’ll certainly miss Rin, Kitay, Venka, the Trifecta and the Cike. Now let me go grab a lighter book to read so I can emotionally recover from this.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I believe this is my favorite book os the series, it has much more depth than the previous one, Eragon is learning how politics work and he is also constantly challenged in an ethical point of view. We can also notice his mind changing from the teenage’s worries to the worries of a warrior. He also starts to realize that the world doesn’t evolve around him and Saphira is allowed to have her own secrets from him, as the survival of her species is more important than his feelings.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
What a heartwarming story even though it is about a murder. Or it seems to be about a murder until you realize it’s about much more than that: it’s about friendship, about encouragement, about not taking people for granted. It’s really inspiring, some notes she makes about the Chinese culture, like kids looking after parents advice not because they need but as a sign of respect and to make them feel useful, really got into me. I grew up with this urge to do things by myself, always hated when people tried to help as I’d see it as lack of competence of my part and that people was doubting of my capabilities trying to teach me how to live. So it was good to have a fresh point of view of life. I really need to have fresh pov. On another note, I am in love with the style of the writing, I wish one day I’ll be able to write something with the same style, sarcastic and audacious.