tbartonfronzaglio's reviews
282 reviews

All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

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A rollercoaster of emotions!!!!
All I could think about throughout this book was how normal this is in daily life for people… avoiding hard conversations because they are uncomfortable and how many relationships suffer because of this. Having then & now perspectives made this book so much better. I could’ve cried when they finally had the hard convo… them realizing how the other was feeling and seeing how their assumptions impacted each other. Loved this book. 
Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover

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Cool to see Holder’s perspective ❤️‍🩹
Hopeless by Colleen Hoover

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I’ve had this on my bookshelf for years and haven’t gotten around to reading it. Although I’ve found writing I enjoy more than CoHo’s, I can’t deny the ease with which I can read her books or the way she can get you sucked into a storyline and the characters. This one turned out to have a lot of depth to it and I like when books aren’t a simple love story and actually replicate the reality of life — it’s messy.

The therapist part of me guessed early on with Sky’s lack of crying and emotions && lack of feeling with physical touch that there was a childhood trauma hx, likely with SA. And with Holder, it seemed his mysteriousness & “intensity” was connected to some childhood trauma as well. Working extensively with survivors of SA, I think CoHo did a beautiful job at describing the dissociation and disconnect people can have with their bodies and within relationships as a result. It brought tears to my eyes reading about the visualization technique Holder suggested from his own therapy. I use similar techniques with clients and the emotion they can bring up is astounding and the healing that can come from those moments and experiences is astonishing.
I loved the growth of the characters and getting to see their struggles, especially considering they’re teenagers. This also showed the beauty of a safe and secure feeling relationship. Interested to read the rest of the series.  
Drop, Cover, and Hold On by Jasmine Guillory

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Not my favorite in the series and probably would’ve liked this more if it had been a full book. But quirky and cheesy for a quick short story 
Rosie and the Dreamboat by Sally Thorne

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Loved the banter in this short story!! 
The Exception to the Rule by Christina Lauren

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I DEVOURED this in like 30 mins hahaha this was so cute and funny. I was literally giggling and kicking my feet hahaha I would love a full book about them!!! But this was a perfect novella 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Broken Throne by Victoria Aveyard

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This series fell flat, imo :/ 
The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

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A little too YA for me imo but an interesting storyline that definitely has you surprised with plot twists!