This is certainly a Y/A read--- from the pacing to the inner dialogue of Tori. Her character just hit me at the perfectly right time in my life, but but in any other instance, I would've found her repetitive and maybe even annoying. Plus, the end felt unrealistic and crazy (which I guess is the point?) but did not leave me satisfied.
This has to be my favorite book I've ever read. It's so personal and yet so relatable. I found myself multiple times throughout this book just taken aback by simple yet beautiful sentences. I would recommend it. (.5 is taken off for typos and slightly boring ending.)
I love the beginning of the book, but the last 100 pages really were not great. There were a lot of unfinished plot points and unanswered questions, and didn't feel like a satisfying conclusion. There were multiple times that I got incredibly frustrated with the characters, especially near the end where the author seemed to ignore all the character development they had gone through in the book.