tee_en's reviews
26 reviews

A Bird Without Wings by Roberta Pearce

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Callandra Dahl is marvelously created character who you love from the moment you meet her. Her quirks and kinks illuminate a certain clumsiness within myself, which made me smile as I took this journey with her. I guess we all have families that drive us crazy which is why I felt so drawn to both her and Luscious ;) … There were behaviors in her that you just wanted to shake her, or thump her upside the head all so she can see just how truly wonderful she is. The fact that she is so vivid within my imagination is praise to the author for painting her words so brightly that I could see it all unfold in front of my very eyes. I will admit that the beginning was a bit overly descriptive for my particular taste and I was very thankful for the double click dictionary in my Kindle app.

Most importantly though once I got swept up in the elusive happy ending between Lucius and Callie, I was hooked and couldn’t stop reading until I knew how it ended. Lovely read that I will love to read over and over again.
The Warehouse by Penfist

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I must say that when I first read the warning, I was scared to go on. So I closed it. Moments later, I told myself to stop being such a pussy and just get through the first paragraph. I was hooked as soon as Skye saw Number Four in the bar. I couldn't put it down, even as fear gripped me for the life of this woman who only exists in our imaginations. So well written, but not too descriptive as to horrify you into putting it down. The emotions you feel as you take this journey with these people and now I want to know all of their stories... Number Three especially. I can't wait for the next installment and as dark as this may be there is a twinge of romance that you want to see what happens if they all reunite somehow... and what happens then?
Apart From Love by Uvi Poznansky

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Unfortunately for me I just couldn't get into the story. While I did find a part here and there amusing, the first few chapters dragged for me. But it is written with such a somber and beautiful tone, it's almost lulling. And Ben's behavior as a manchild is just unacceptable to me (mainly because of my personal experiences I find it hard to believe any grown man would climb under a piano to sulk). I want to give it another chance... maybe start anew another day.
Abandoned by Penfist

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I loved this installment as it takes you on yet another roller coaster ride. I wanted Skye to win and get back to Number Four but somehow I knew that the nice guy was trouble. And as in the first Warehouse installment it leaves you hanging. Another beautifully written tale that paints such a vivid picture that you never want to put it down. I can't wait to read the next one.
A Chance At Love by Sheena Binkley

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So I enjoyed those moments where Tia and Charles were into each other and the plot was okay. I loved when they were in love, it was something authentic about those moments that made me keep reading to see if there were any more like it, but there wasn't enough. It has a bunch of drama that I would normally love to read about, however the way the story flowed made it tough for me. Tia is a wishy-washy kind of character that makes one point and then literally backtracks the next sentence. For example, she says she believes love is for the weak and then the very next sentence is something like, but my mother is not weak for taking my father back(she loved her adulterous husband, therefore love makes her weak)... Another is when she's having a conversation with her treacherous half sister and speaks calmly with her and even chuckles at a comment she made, but then the next sentence is I'm not ready to be cordial with her (laughing with someone you're mad at, even general conversation that doesn't come to blows is pretty cordial to me).

I honestly think this would have been a better read if the main character didn't waver so much between every point she made, and if the story didn't jump back and forth so much between the past memories and present time with little transitioning.
For The Night by Violet Haze

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It was a bit short which leaves you wanting more, but just enough to keep you interested. I enjoyed it, and the "end" was definitely a twist I wasn't expecting. I'm looking forward to reading the next installment.