terhangus's reviews
140 reviews

If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho by Sappho

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maybe i'll put out a proper review later but right now my heart is just aching / bursting with warmth at the same time. these fragments... what would i do to recover them in their full form, tbh. also POETS: USE MORE EPITHETS. smush up words. our sapphic icon would smile at you.
Sergius Mencari Bacchus by Norman Erikson Pasaribu

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3.75?? bagus banget tapi. favorites: sebelum aeschylus & ragam-ragam payung beserta karakteristiknya.
Life on Mars by Tracy K. Smith

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4.5. i definitely liked some parts of the book better than the others & as i read more poetry i realize how my feelings on it are definitely subjective to what imagery i like in poetry! that's probably why i love part one so much. but as a whole this book was amazing & a testament to tracy k smith's poet laureate title.
Kerikil Tajam dan Yang Terampas dan Yang Putus by Chairil Anwar

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ngerti kenapa chairil anwar itu Penyair Itu™. b
The Planets by Dava Sobel

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an astronomy book not looking down at astrology & actually incorporating the myths and stories and history about the planets? i love it
Blood Wedding by Federico García Lorca

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i really liked it, omg. best characters were obviously all the women in the play (especially the bride) but special mention to the moon for personifying the relentless hunter of truth beautifully. as always, i'm a sucker for 1) tragedies 2) imageries with fire & sharp objects 3) themes of defying fate.
Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

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my first ever shakespeare!!! (yes i know i'm so cultured) and i'm so, so happy that it was instead of romeo and juliet. love the characters, love the sword-stabby everything that went on in the end of the play, the themes present and tbh my heart kinda clenched when caesar said et tu, brute because like... even you, brutus?