thatirezende's reviews
336 reviews

Mosaic of a Broken Heart by Sara Jouret, Sara Jouret

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This book tells a story of Beth, told by herself in a journal format. This story is dense, sad and full of triggers (body shaming, abuse), is so real that everyone should read.

Beth starts her story talking about a car accident that makes her lose her memory, what isn't a problem once her family helps introducing everything again to her. With a daily view of her life, we see how much a woman suffers in society as she goes through bullying, body shaming and all types of abuse.

As a christian, she has been taught that all people on church are lovely and respectful, but this change as soon as she marry and realize how hypocrites Lord's servants can be.

Beth's journey may seem sad, so sad that I wish I could get inside the story to help her to find a bit of happiness. With this journal format, is possible to understand each feeling in a inexplicable way while she lives a roller coaster of emotions.
Desire of Whimsy by Charletta Barksdale

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This reading was without a doubt one of the bests I had! "Desire of Whimsy" tells the story of Serenity, a nurse that usually dreams of an attractive man. She hopes that one day both can meet in real life. Meanwhile, Trance finds himself trapped in a place that makes him discover some powers over people when they are asleep. Trance lives in a place ruled by Impedes, that seems to be a very good ruler.
For people who are interested in a story with lucid dreams, this is the right book. The writing is so captivating that you won't notice that the book is over, but luckily this is the first of a five books series!
Gradient by Anders Cahill

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Gradient takes us to a new universe and makes us feel as we were in a Star Trek movie, but with its elements, creatures and system.

Oren leads his team through space while they discover new worlds following orders of The Fellowship. It's a book that will make you feel different in each chapter, Oren dreams too much and it can confuse you sometimes, but will see that they have a reason to be there.

I would say that this book was a roller-coaster to me. In the beginning, the book was slow, but as the things started to happen, I could feel the emotion of the universe of Gradient, so if the reading looks a bit dense, keep reading, it will be worth it!