the_chaotic_witch's reviews
214 reviews

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

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You know what?
This is one of the very few books of which I can undoubtedly say this is a 5/5 for me.

Not a very in-depth review as I usually do just my praise for this favourite of mine. I'll try to keep this spoiler-free but no promises. Continue at your own risk.

What intrigues me is the simplicity of the story and at the same time how relatable it is and how grounded in reality in symbiosis with this beautiful simple language.

The human interactions in this story just feel so real. And yes this is a mid-19th-century romance - with a little gothic influence - and as such the main focus is on our Main character and the ma(/e)n she encounters. But the way the characters - all characters - interact is so well-faceted and feels so wonderful to me.

Short personal interlude here: that is because the way of conversing - only speaking when you know what you want to say, no-nonsense conversation, speaking the truth as a principle - is what I crave but hardly find in society.

Back to the book. The contrast between the men, the critic on society - money, age, ableism, the composition of character and sex- are just immaculate to me. This should be a required read.

I am just so glad to have this in my life.

Please read it. I believe it can enrich everyone's life.

xx, Me