the_midnight_librarian's reviews
302 reviews

Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward

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3.5 out of 5 stars

I listened to this on audible. I almost wish I just read a physical copy, I feel like I would have enjoyed it better.
For the most part I enjoyed the book, it was very well written, the imagery written in this book was beautiful and gross. The hot, puke smelled car ride, felt all too familiar that brought a stink to my nose that I wish I never had the pleasure of smelling. But that's just good writing. I felt for Jojo and Kayla (despite me thinking that Kayla was a bit spoiled) I wanted them kept with their Pop and Mam, in a place where they had some resemblance of love away from their selfish drug addicted mother. However Leonie was an interesting character in herself and it was interesting to hear from her perspective.

The voice actors that read for this book were great.

There were just some aspects I had trouble with: There were too many flashbacks with in flashbacks, to the point where I found myself lost when the story would continue, I had to find where the flashbacks ended and the story moved forward. Mam's death scene, I'm not all to sure what happened here, why did Richie suddenly do this? It felt out of the blue.

Over all I enjoyed it, but I didn't love it. Maybe I'll try to read a physical copy? If anyone has heard and read the book can you let me know your thoughts on your preferred intake on this book? Much appreciated.
Giant Days Vol. 5 by John Allison

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Aw end of School year one.
The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang

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I wasn't as impressed with this book as I had hoped to be. I loved Stella as a character; I felt she was very strongly written, very fun, smart and awkward, and her character growth I got behind 100%. Michael however I felt lacked. There were aspects that I adored about him but otherwise I found his POV rather tedious and repetitive to the point where I felt like he was whining. There were certain elements in this book that I had expected that didn't quite deliver and other themes I wish were left out. I'm not against marriage, I also realize that was part of Stella's parent's goals for her, but I don't feel it's necessary to prove ones love for someone and ultimately it feels like a very YA trope when it gets put right at the end of the book and used as such. There were also parts of this book that reminded me a lot of the Fifty Shades of Grey series, particularly Christian Grey, not in a good way.

Over all an enjoyable read, just wasn't what I was hoping for.
This Is Me: Loving the Person You Are Today by Chrissy Metz

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I wasn't sure what to expect going into this book, a memoir? Yes, I suppose that seemed like a given. I didn't expect to have similar experiences. This book made me think deeply, as Chrissy asked me to say out loud what my dream job was, to put it out in the universe. She confronted my fears of failure and shockingly, success. It did get a little too life coach meets self help book at times, but ultimately I found myself nodding in agreement with what Chrissy was saying, and laughing at my own embarrassment when she explained her own. Most importantly, I was realizing my own self doubt as she explained her constant fight with hers. Very quick and light hearted read that I felt like I needed.