the_midnight_librarian's reviews
302 reviews

An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson

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I really enjoyed this. what stuck out most to me were the details of the environment, I felt I have lived it. I felt the heat of the sun, the crunch of the leaves under my boot, and wanted to wretch when facing the Barrow Lord. I fell in love with Rook. Particularly when Isobel was turned into a rabbit and was scared half to death! Towards the end I started falling out of love with the story. It felt a bit rushed and cluttered. The amount of detail mixed with the threat of the fay courts with the threat of the Alder King with the suspicion of Gadfly, while Isobel was feeling she could pass out at any moment, yet let's make a portrait of the Alder King, it was all just a bit much. And a little anti-climactic. Plus Isobel killed the Alder King and is now...a queen? Is she the Alder Queen? Can she create her own title? Is she queen of the summer court? The ending left more questions, and again felt rushed. I get they Isobel and Rook loved each other, but the immediate "Yes we'll get married" felt cliche and I was hoping for more than that. Over all though I thoroughly enjoyed the book.
City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert

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I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. I listened to this on Audible and found the voice exquisite. The story I found entertaining, the characters were all complex and each had their own personality and a slight history. They were all interesting enough, and I enjoyed Gilbert's writing style enough, that I wanted more back stories on all of them.
Vivian was a naive character of 19-20, that almost bordered on dim at times, but not enough to make me dislike her. I enjoyed her passion for sewing, to the point where I wanted nothing more than to start making summer dresses as we enter October! I laughed and was embarrassed for Vivi as she "went to the Doctor's", I worried for her as she gallivanted around New York into the early morning hours, I swooned with her, I stressed with her, and towards the end, I cried with her. This book let me hold Vivi's hand as she experienced New York, as she experienced her life. This book made me want to see New York in the 1940's, and made me believe that it wouldn't match up as it is now.
In fact as I write this I bumped this rating up a star because I'm finding I really did enjoy myself, and am figuring out how to go about the rest of my day now that I've finished reading it.
Not to say it didn't have it's problems, but that was the point, it doesn't matter! I was satisfied.
Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson

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Overall it was a fine book, but I was let down by it. The villain had potential but his purpose was lack luster, the resolve was amazing, I really didn’t know how that would work and it made me love Silas more. We needed more Silas. I wanted more Silas. The romance didn’t need to be there or needed to be incorporated better. And the magic system would have benefited from a bit more explanation. But I fell in love with the grimoires and Silas.