thebookishmel's reviews
405 reviews

U Thrive: How to Succeed in College (and Life) by Dan Lerner, Alan Schlechter

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"What will your verse be?"

Daniel and Alan create a book that is geared toward 17-18 year olds about to enter their first year of college. Finishing up my sophomore year of college, I definitely have used a good chunk of the advice given in the book! I think the last section though was my favorite, that being making everything your best, and using everything in your life as part of your advantage.

I don't think it was glorified like most "self-help" books tend to be. And it wasn't like a here's what you need to do , but more of a here's what we suggest. And using different writing exercises and resources to help support you to actively think about what is being said really helped pass the message along.

I don't think it was the best thing I could've read at where I am now, with the various leadership seminars and programs I've been apart of, and considering the fact that I'm halfway through college, BUT I do think that it's an extremely beneficial resource to have.
Between Before and After by Maureen Doyle McQuerry

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Told from the perspective of siblings, Molly and her brother Angus, as well as seeing their mother and uncle, Elain and Stephen's lives, as children, we follow the story of Elain's past , understanding that there's hardship within the mysteries we choose to leave in the past. A story of love, heartbreak, and family ties that continue to prevail, Between Before and After goes down the deep path rooted in family, in stories that are too difficult to face, and gets a reader so invested in each character and their backstory that hearing it unfold is so heart-wrenching.

I loved seeing the relationship that Elain has with everyone in her life, and despite what she goes through, she has people who love and support her. Even more so, seeing her past catch up with her and her accepting and moving forward is such an important shift and growth in character makes her seem like a much more dynamic character than she was as a child!

There were definitely moments that were a bit slow and didn't understand it's importance later on, but overall, it was a fantastic little mystery that had my heart invested!
Saga Book Three by Brian K. Vaughan

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I. WAS. NOT. READY. I didn't expect that ending, and I'm genuinely GUTTED. This entire series is something else, man. Genuinely wowed!
In an Absent Dream by Seanan McGuire

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Maybe it's because it's been a bit since I've read the first three in this series, but this was a very interesting installment in the Wayward Children stories. I think throughout the story, Lundy got way too many chances, so I really appreciated the way this novella ended. I didn't care much for the story for the first two parts, and I constantly felt like I was missing something, but I did get invested enough in the characters for how short it was. Overall, I liked seeing the growth in Lundy's character and seeing that everything had an equal reaction/consequence. Fairly solid read.
The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan

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I am constantly surprised at the fact that I don’t remember so much of the Percy Jackson series, but then I have to constantly remind myself that I am re-reading it for the first time in seven years. I still really enjoyed the series I think that Riordon does a phenomenal job at being witty, but still speaking from the voice of a 13-year-old boy. I love seeing all the little hits at being a boy for the hunters and how prophecies still play a huge role. Onto the next!
Caraval by Stephanie Garber

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Reread 4/10/2019: Man I love this world so much. Rereading it via audiobook has been such an incredible experience, but I definitely do think you lose a little bit of the magic by not seeing the letters that are included throughout. I did however appreciate the interview with the author at the end and hearing the process of Caraval and how it led to Legendary. I'm so so excited to get into it next!
I am so incredibly in love with Caraval, its unreal. This isn't just a 5/5 star rating, this COMPLETELY breaks my scale. I have never been so HOOKED into a book like how Caraval had hooked me in. I, like Scarlett, questioned each person we met. And just when we thought that we could trust them, something changes. The game truly is played until the very last page and so much is revealed, while so much is being hidden. I hate that I'm being vague but YOU HAVE TO READ IT!! Seriously, such a phenomenal novel and I cannot believe its been on my shelf for so long. I'm about to go get Legendary right now so I can continue reading because wOw.
Legendary by Stephanie Garber

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reread 4/14/2019: Rereading it via audiobook has been a whole other experience. I genuinely have enjoyed listenting to Tella's discovery of Caraval in a new way, and I really did enjoy it so much more this time! The narrator does a phenomenal job with the sarcastic tones, the haughty smiles, and the sass! I loved hearing how villainous the characters were, and my entire heart was so invested in a way I wasn't expecting. I'm bumping this up to a five star because of the quality of the deception that was present, and just how much I genuinely enjoyed this experience. I loved seeing the emotional turmoil, as well as the sheer stress through the characters.

Onto Finale!~

I'm debating between a 4 star and a 5 star read. Considering the fact that it took me a MONTH to read because of school and other books taking priority, it wasn't as intense of a read on my end. However, when I did sit down to read, I didn't have the CONSTANT pull to read until the last 100 pages or so.

Overall though, I really did enjoy this sequel! I think that I definitely like Tella more than I like Scarlett, which is funny because I can relate more to Scarlett, but I really enjoyed Tella's spunk. She really commanded the novel and made sure that not only was her presence known, but that she was very headstrong and constantly reminded herself that Caraval is meant to mess with you. I also really enjoyed the element of the Fates and how they helped derail Caraval a bit! It made things less perfect for Legend and that made it all the more fun.

This series continues to baffle my mind though! It really takes you for a whole whirlwind of emotions and really makes you believe what the main character believes, however I'm having trouble bridging the gap between the information in Caraval into Legendary and understanding just what exactly the roles of the Caraval actors were and how it changed consistency wise.
Holding on to Nothing by Shannon O'Connor

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It’s so early for me to be this emotional but another fantastic poetry collection. I think the reason this one stands out the most to me is because of the final two sections, but mostly for the very last one. I loved the “recovery” period, and it makes it a collection about someone else effecting you into a collection about YOU.

I stay happily surprised by Shannon’s writing!
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

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"Anyone can betray anyone"

PHHEWWWWWWWW. Honestly, wow.. I'm SO happily surprised by this! I came in with little to no expectations, and was really surprised by the layers and depth in this novel! I thought there was going to be some very atypical characters and tropes, but I feel like they were taken to some new height. It was definitely a bit formulaic, as you'll see me listing, but I don't think it was surface level at all.

The 'love' triangle - OOH this made me so angry in the best way! I loveddddd the way it was developed, and I love how Victoria created the deception, the romance, and the game SO well.

The political intrigue - OH MY GOSH THIS WAS SO GOOD. I have been so into books with royals lately, so I was nervous to see how I'd like it. The stark contrast between the Reds and Silver elites, and the hierarchy between the two give it the perfect motivation for the conflict to rise.

THE FAMILY DYNAMIC !! - Now this was fun. Like genuinely tear your heart and head to pieces because you were trying to figure out where loyalties lay. I think this was one of my favorite aspects of it because it caught me so off guard at times, and the power that comes from a strong familial bond, (or a weak one), takes it to a new level and gives the characters the motivations.

I did have some small issues with the pacing of the book at times, and some of the minor characters and their purpose confused me, but overall, I'm really pleased!
Pride by Ibi Zoboi

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This was such a fun read, and it packs so much of a punch for the amount of content. I really am so surprised! I think audio was the best way to consume this novel because the audio narrator (Elizabeth Acevedo) IS SO GOOD, and the accent she has makes hearing the narrator so much stronger and connecting it to the setting and story and JUST WOW at the overall timeline.

I loved hearing/reading Zuri and Darius' relationship. I loved that they both had this preconceived notion of each other, and seeing how they grow from that is absolutely beautiful. Battling through gentrification, and self-identity, and PRIDE in one's self and background is written so well. I genuinely think this is such a powerful read, and very enjoyable. It was definitely super quick, and fun, but it didn't like blow my mind away, hence the 4-star review. Not sure if I'll keep my physical copy, but definitely didn't regret reading it at all.