theinfophile's reviews
263 reviews

Ouran High School Host Club, Vol. 1 by Bisco Hatori

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Weird. I keep on reading it, though. I haven't read enough manga to understand certain references or specific style-choices, so some parts go in one eye and out the other, as it were...

Still, I'm liking it and I'm sure I'll keep with the series.

Because I have OCD.
The Arrival by Shaun Tan

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Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous and poignant book.
Shadows of the Past by Geary Gravel

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It's another Batman novelization. This time, from the animated series. I'd say it's written "well-enough" and I will definitely pass it along to my older godson (currently age 9). It's a good kid-read, without being childish.
I'd Rather We Got Casinos: And Other Black Thoughts by Larry Wilmore

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I almost don't want to believe this was written by Larry Wilmore, because I know that he is a hilariously funny man and this book just wasn't up to par. There were parts where I definitely had a good laugh, or even read aloud to my friend, but those parts were few, and mostly in the first half of the book. The title is so very promising...sigh. And I can't say that the book was highly offensive. It just wasn't funny.

I do want to say that I REALLY enjoyed his interview with The Man.
Totally Wired: What Teens and Tweens Are Really Doing Online by Anastasia Goodstein

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Copyright 2007, yet already quite dated. Definitely aimed at parents who are not tech-savvy. For those of us who ARE tech-savvy, and give teens more credit than most of Western society does, there is not much to be learned from this book.
Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

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This book is everything I ever wanted. It's a book about a book and lovers of books. It's very self-affirming for me. Now I don't feel like a COMPLETE goober for 1) smelling books 2) learning Elvish or 3) bringing at least 5 books with me everywhere I go.

Note: just because I don't FEEL like a complete goober, does not mean I am not one.

"Inkheart" is the first in a trilogy. "Inkspell" is already out, and "Inkdeath" will be out in 2008.

You may not love "Inkheart" in and of itself; however, if you are a lover of books, I find you will at least appreciate the characters and the sentiments within the pages if not like the story as a whole.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

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This book is magic, but the magic only works the first time you read it, so be ready.
For Her Dark Skin by Percival Everett

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This is an absolutely brilliant and hilarious book. It's a retelling of the story of Medea. It's a short book, and I think out of print; however, if you can get your hands on a copy... READ IT. IT'S TOTALLY WORTH IT!
Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss

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Whenever I have my godsons or younger cousins with me, I stress the importance of trying new things. I love this book.