theliterarylotte's reviews
88 reviews

No One Here Gets Out Alive by Jerry Hopkins, Danny Sugerman

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Biography of Jim Morrison that on the one hand is greatly interesting since Jim is my favourite artist, but slightly exaggerated and blown-up story: no to little separation between stage persona and sober Jim.
The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid

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Not very captivating although interesting concept. Liked the writing style; very easy to read.
The Women of Troy by Pat Barker

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3,5 stars; very interesting to read such a classic from a different point of view. Something that definitely bothered me was the use of typical British cuss words. Normally I wouldn’t mind this, but it’s quite hard imagining women from Ancient Greece saying ‘bloody hell’.
Dit gaat niet over grasmaaien by Ellen Deckwitz

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Good book. Great for people trying to start reading poetry. Bit short, but overall a great book. I would personally prefer the book having more of a story line.