thelovelystars's reviews
35 reviews

The House Plant by Jeremy Ray

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I cry very easily. Anyone who knows me in real life knows this to be true. But I genuinely feel that if you have an ounce of affection for plants or just living things in general, then you will be moved by this book.

After I stopped crying (which took me like 10 minutes) from all of the emotions in this book, I wrote an email to the author to thank him for this piece of art. If you feel you can't be moved by a story that takes less than 30 minutes to consume, then maybe this isn't for you! I ordered the physical copy, so it was only about 18 pages for me, but I still loved it. Maybe it stems from my big book fear that I am slowly trying to get over, but hey, maybe give it a chance and see for yourself!
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

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I'm actually kinda confused as to why I rated it so highly. I think it's because it is a book that doesn't make sense but still has an interesting theme. Silly, even. I don't know, I get angry thinking about this book sometimes, I had a lingering sense of confusion the whole time I was reading it, and yet... I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would. I haven't read that many books, so maybe when I get more 5-starred books under my belt, this will move down to 3 or even 2 stars, but for now, it's at 4.
Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt

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This is a book that was given to me in middle school by my cousin's (now) ex-girlfriend. I was (am) not so well-read, so she gave me a bunch of books to try out. This was the first book I read outside of academic obligation; I actually enjoyed it, and it made me cry. So yeah, I had to give 5 stars to the first book I managed to finish.
Normal People by Sally Rooney

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review coming soon. gotta think on this one a bit.