themountaingoats's reviews
248 reviews

Wylding Hall by Elizabeth Hand

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this was so boring. like insanely boring i don’t know how u even make something this boring
Mordew by Alex Pheby

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Everyone Knows Your Mother is a Witch by Rivka Galchen

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this was probably fine but i couldn’t tell bc the audiobook narrator was incredibly annoying
Summer by Ali Smith

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Did not finish book.
picked this back up but tbh the idea of finishing a book that even kind of mentions covid is still making me like nauseous . sorry ms smith i love yr work
In the Distance by Hernán Díaz

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absolutely one of my favorite books i’ve ever read. 
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke

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i dont really click with jane austen so idk why i thought a huge book of someone trying to imitate her with two deeply uninteresting characters as the center would work for me. it did Not. everything that had the potential to be genuinely interesting was obscured by the focus on strange and norrell themselves. if ur gonna do ALL THAT. at least be fun and sexy about it :| the last volume is the best like everyone says but um. damned with faint praise.
Weather by Jenny Offill

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i didnt like this and idk why i finished it. 
My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix

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loooooooved this so fun so smart so good so much to say
Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë

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hmmm yeah definitely doesn’t have the same heft as emily or charlottes’ work and it’s not my cup of tea, but it’s obviously well crafted. i absolutely went in with different expectations which probably skewed my enjoyment of it but also it is. just what it says on the tin. i’m trying tenant of wildfell hall, soon, which i’ll hopefully enjoy more. i’m glad i read this, but it doesn’t make me want to immediately reread, like everything else i’ve read so far from the other brontës has.