thepaperbackplanner's reviews
335 reviews

Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas

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Aw maaan I loved this book! It's been a while since I've read YA, and I forgot what a delicious treat it can be! Here, I loved the deep dive into a culture that isn't my own, the believable teen characters, and OBVIOUSLY the ghost romance!! The audiobook version of this story was really lovely and provided a great soundtrack for a lot of boring chores
Something Wild & Wonderful by Anita Kelly

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Anita Kelly is officially a must-buy after this!! Their characters are so human, they breathe such life into their settings, and their romances are so sweet yet so spicy! I adored Ben and Lex's journey to themselves and each other on the PCT. I devoured it in a day! Would 100% recommend. Time to go hiking!
Emergent Properties by Aimee Ogden

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Thanks to Tor and NetGalley for early access to this fun novella in exchange for an honest review!

Let's start with the most obvious thing: Emergent Properties is being compared to my beloved Murderbot Diaries, and it's a decent comparison. I think I took to Murderbot a little faster than Scorn, our main character, but I have a soft spot for all sassy robots/AIs, so I got there eventually. Although I did feel the fast pace I usually dislike in novellas, it didn't bother me so much here I think because the story had a clear, driving focus. I also left the book feeling excited for future potential follow-ups rather than wishing the story was longer. If you're also a Murderbot fan or interested in stories about sentient robots, corporate corruption, and space politics, give this a try when it releases! 
Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree

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After devoting lots of time and attention to my last read, this sweet little book was the perfect palate cleanser — just like coffee! I devoured this in less than five hours on a Monday morning and I regret nothing. I think I'm right in the target audience for this story of an orc who gives up her life of adventure to start a coffee shop for a lot of reasons, not least of which being that I really, really want to play the TTRPG "Stewpot" by Takuma Okada (, which has a very similar setup. I also love me some found family, which this book has in spades. If you're looking for something quick, fun, and easy to read, add this to your TBR! 
The Archive Undying by Emma Mieko Candon

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Thanks to NetGalley and Tor for early access to this incredible novel in exchange for an honest review!

What a freakin book! I almost don't even know where to start — the lush, lived-in settings from jungle to mountain to city? The perfect but terrible but loveable trashbag main character, Sunai? The deeply layered and human supporting cast? The god-king AIs that hold incredible influence over their kingdoms even after they've corrupted? Giant mechs with mysterious pilots? I could go on and on. This novel had everything I love about scifi, and while it was definitely a book that required my full attention, I enjoyed the deep dive into the world and plot. I would be remiss not to mention that this novel reminded me so much of a favorite podcast, Friends at the Table, and I can't wait for other fans to read this so we can chat! Overall, I would recommend this to lovers of mechs, AIs, unreliable narrators, and facing god to walk backward into hell. 
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke

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I can't believe it took me so long to get to this novel! It's been on my radar for ages, but I only grabbed it randomly while trying to spend time-sensitive gift cards, and I'm so glad I did. From the first chapters, I was hooked. The beautiful descriptions of the museum-like House, the journal entry format, and the quiet sense that something was very wrong made this page-turner so easy to read. I would caution that the different responses to/portrayals of mental illness in the latter half of this novel may be triggering for some, as may the "reveal" of what's going on here, so please heed the content warnings. 
The Book of Delights by Ross Gay

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I picked up this essay collection after seeing good reviews on bookstagram and because author Ross Gay will be speaking at a book festival near me in a few months. Overall, I really loved the premise — writing about something delightful every day for a year. The author's voice is clear and lovely throughout, and I appreciated the insights he shared as a Black man — perspectives I'll never have. All that said, I still only ended up rating this three stars, and that's for one main reason: I just am not very good at reading stream-of-consciousness-style writing, which Gay employs liberally here. Still, I would recommend this to essay enjoyers! 
The Saint of Bright Doors by Vajra Chandrasekera

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Thank you to NetGalley and Tor for access to the galley for this book in exchange for an honest review!
"The Saint of Bright Doors" has got a lot going for it. The main character is interesting and has depth. The setting was richly described and felt lived-in. The themes of grappling with destiny, religious cultism, and structural injustice are obviously relevant. However, I had some trouble following plot threads and world building at the start and end of the story. There was a narrative twist I quite enjoyed, but overall, I don't think the story was for me. But if you're looking for non-European fantasy or sci-fi, maybe it could be for you! 
Small Angels by Lauren Owen

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After reading the first chapter of this book, I thought it was going to be a flop. After reading the second chapter, I was totally hooked. The storytelling theme and matching writing style worked well for me throughout. The shifting perspectives and timelines weren't confusing, and I was always excited to return to each narrator's tale. The characters felt full and alive and believable to me — I especially loved Kate and Lucia. I'm thrilled that my attitude on this book turned around so thoroughly and that it's joining the top tier of BOTMs I'll keep instead of donate!