thepaperreels's reviews
809 reviews

Emerge by S.E. Hall

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(Contains Mini spoilers)
I am officially done with Love Triangles.

But wow. This story never let me go! I am hooked from the first sentence. I love how the characters developed especially Laney. This is why I super love this story. It's not your ordinary 'love triangle story'. It's about discovering yourself.. living the life you have given.. and stepping out of your comfort zone and learning that there's still something out there!

In the middle of the story I already know who Laney's going to end up with and I thought I'm emotionally prepared for her decision but.. I AM NOT.

I'm sorry but I'm TEAM EVAN all the way.. I mean.. It's Evan!!! Though I (kind of) understand why she chose him but still!!

I really can't wait to get my hands on book two. I'm dying to know what will happen to MY Evan.(lol)
The Holdout by Laurel Osterkamp

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This review is also posted on my BLOG!

I lovvveeed this! I’m a fan of reality shows (especially Survivor) so when I have read the blurb,I know that I will love it.

The story centers Robin, a woman who wants to win in the reality show,The Holdout. Robin Bricker is such an incredible character and so easy to love. She grew up with only her father and brothers because her mother died when she was still 2 years old. I think this is why I loved the book so much, it’s because I get her. Because all of her brothers have some successful career’s, she just want to do something that will make her family be proud of her. So when an opportunity to be a cast on the reality show The Holdout was offered to her, she immediately grabbed it!

She thought she’s prepared for all the challenges that she will face on The Holdout, but nothing prepared her for the challenge that her heart will face.. Enter Grant the Jerk.

From the moment he opened his mouth, I know that there’s something really sketchy about him. And even though there are moments when I want to reach inside the book and shake some sense to Robin, I really can’t blame her. Grant is really believable (which makes me hate him more) And let me just say how awesome Robin handled the situation.

The supporting characters are well written, with richly developed personalities and back stories. I love the scenes where her family are present. The author showed how Robin’s family stood by her after all the embarrassing things happened in The Holdout..

This book really hold on to me from the start. I LITERALLY cannot put it down. There are chapters where I’ll find myself asking ‘OH MY GOD WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT?!’ It’s like I’m really watching a reality show alongside with Robin’s family because its very well-written!

There are funny moments, some i-want-to-slap-that-guy moments, and of course some awww moments..

The ending is great! I love that Robin has that kind of sort of happy ending with………

Anyway if you’re looking for a fun, i-just-want-to-relax-and-read kind of book, then I recommend this for you!
Unravel by Calia Read

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4.5!! My head is still hurting. This one deserves all the popularity it's getting.

Update: 03/05/14

"..just remember that even the purest of souls have darkness in them. It might be hard to spot. Perhaps they’ve perfected the art of covering it from the world. Or maybe it’s hidden in a dark corner of their mind. But it’s there. No one in this world is scar free.."

This book screwed my head. In a good way.

This book, even before it was out, was getting a lot of high praise so I was scared to read it. Maybe it'll just disappoint me just like the other books out there. But Unravel didn't disappoint. Even a bit.

The plot was breathtakingly amazing. The mystery behind what really happened to Naomi was so nail biting thrilling.

Naomi was such a great storyteller. This was told from her POV from both past and present.

The chemistry between Naomi and Lachlan was undeniable.

"He’s always been an extension of me and you cannot be that close to someone and expect your pain not to spread."

The secondary characters was all necessary. Seriously, you'll be invested to every. single. character in this book. You're going to hang on to everything they say.

There was moments that I thought I figured it all out. Then Naomi will reveal another secret from her past so that will put me back to zero.

This was an unforgettable read for me. Unravel will be the first story that will come out from my mouth if someone's asking for a GOOD psychological thriller.

"God offers to every mind its choice between truth and repose. Take which you please—you can never have both."

Pulled Beneath by Marni Mann

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"Why was I here alone? Why had everything been taken from me?
Why had she left her family and pretended they’d never existed?

I liked it. I was not totally invested like i expected to, but it was a very intense and romantic read. Honestly, I can't put it down. I have this urge to find out the reason of all the lies. Of what does the Bar Harbor really hides from Drew.

I didn't feel anything toward Drew. I didn't feel any connection. She was desperate and very immature. I'm not a fan of those kind of girls. But I gave her a chance. But for me, she didn't redeem herself. And I get that she's grieving and everything, but she doesn't seem like it. Especially when she's around Saint.

Ahh, Saint. This guy annoyed me immensely. He's one of those bad boys with angst. But he's confusing. One minute he's all over Drew then he'll be this moody guy who'll push the girl away. Dude, just make up your mind! But anyway, Drew was kind of desperate so..

The reason I stayed in the story was the mystery, I must say.. I didn't expect that one. The author did a good job at the twist and turns.

I would recommend this book to anyone whose a fan of New Adult genre.
Kissed by Kimberly Loth

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My review is also posted on:

Let me just start by saying that I started reading Kissed without any idea of it's genre. All I know is that, it's Young Adult and that's all. But when I started to read it, I got a a vibe that maybe it's ya fantasy because of all the flower stuff. I thought she's some kind of fairy or something.

Well, that wasn't what I got but i wasn't that disappointed also. I find the premise really unique and I like it when I got helpful informations from the book. I think I spent half of my time googling flowers.

Naomi was a great heroine for me at the first few chapters. She's real and an awesome protagonist. The way the author described Naomi's life, environment and interactions with people is good. Though we met her love interest in a creepy way, I found myself rooting for them..

Until the other guy came along. I don't understand why she chose... the creepy one. I'm still a little grumpy about it. I'm sorry but I still am. I just think that Naomi fits more to 'the other guy'. They actually bonded and became friends. So excuse me but I was annoyed that she chose the creepster.

Kissed will surprise you. It stands out and will definitely leave it's mark on you. I'm not sure if this one's for everybody but I definitely recommend it.
Prejudice Meets Pride by Rachael Anderson

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"You don’t have to be strong all of the time, and it doesn’t make you less of a person to need help once in a while. Give and take is what life is all about, and sometimes you have to be the one to take so the other person can give."

Prejudice meets Pride is a fun, fast and deliciously swoony read. This book caught my attention because of the title and I've been meaning to read a Rachael Anderson book for awhile now. I've heard good things about the author and after reading this novel, I think she deserves all the praise!

Though the pacing is a little fast for me, the characters are well developed. In 2 or 3 chapters, you get to know the characters very well and i don't know how Anderson does that but it's incredible. Emma is hilarious! A realistic image for a lot of women out there. She's stubborn, witty and caring. While Kevin on the other hand is the opposite. Totally smooth, a little impatient and serious. This two is surely going to crash and man, when they did, it's one crazy adventure towards.. love? I love how the author didn’t rush anything and that there’s a point from all the craziness the characters are going through. There’s a lot of touching moments here, a lot of self discovery and a lot of pride. Emma and Kevin will find themselves asking what’s really important in their life right now and they also found the courage and braveness that they need in different aspects of their life.

Pick up Prejudice meets Pride today for a feel-good read, you will definitely not regret it. And Rachael Anderson gained a fan in me.
Set Me Free by Melissa Pearl

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Oh wow. Melissa Pearl really knows how to end her stories. Set Me Free surpassed my expectations, it was a stay-up-all-night, ignore-everything sequel.

Lucy and Zach story continues, and this time, we get answers. This time, we get Justice. But anyone is out of there mind if they think that it will be easy. Zach and Lucy really went into a hellhole to finally set Lucy free. Free from her past and free from the person keeping her from making a future. A future that Lucy thought was impossible until she started to trust Zach. omg Zach!!!!


It is true that setting Lucy free isn't possible without Zach's charmer of an Uncle and without Zach's trusted buddy, Elliot, but you know what really made it all happen? Zach and Lucy's relationship. There is A LOT of development here when it comes to relationships and characters. Just shows how awesome Melissa Pearl is. She made a thrilling plot that will keep her reader on the edge of their seats.

The pacing is just right and everything is believable. This story involves conning and the FBI and I must say that it's well researched. I'm really wondering how did Melissa did her work. (Does Melissa knows any con? hmmm :p) Lucy's feelings and reactions were appropriate for everything that is happening and my heart just breaks for her. While Zach is making my heart melt, but of course y'all know that already.

I'm more than satisfied with the conclusion, I'm really going to miss this couple. I hope they'll make a cameo/reappearance in Melissa's other stories (this is me hoping). If you enjoyed I Know Lucy then get ready to be blown away by Set Me Free.
Torn Away by Jennifer Brown

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"Mom, it’s been hard. And scary.... And every day I wish I had died with you... Just that I wish I hadn’t been left behind, all alone. That part really sucks."

I devoured this book in one sitting, between tears.

It felt so real, it really scared me. I have no words for how ah-mazing Jennifer Brown is. I'll be honest and say that this is my first novel from her. And that I did not expect anything from Torn Away other than it's a sob story about a girl who lost her sister and mother. But wow. I'm still trying to figure out why I haven't read any of her other works yet. (I'll fix this soon) While reading this, all the things that I felt when our country were paralyzed by flooding came rushing back at me. I'm from Philippines by the way. I know that a tornado and flood are different, but the aftermath is pretty much the same. Nothing can prevent a Natural Disaster from happening, all we have to do is be ready. Something that Jersey was not.

This is what I got: A brilliantly written story with an honest and realistic protagonist.

Jersey is very easy to understand and relatable. You see, this kind of heartbreaking story will not be a success without characters that will touch the readers heart. And I strongly believe that Jennifer aced in that department because Jersey is one unforgettable protagonist.

The pacing is just plain perfect. Nothing is rushed, everything is explained and I felt everything that Jersey went through. I'm both glad and sad that I'm with Jersey through one of her most devastating point in her life.

All in all, Torn Away is a beautiful and poignant novel that will definitely make you think of all your priorities and will touch your heart.

Paranoia in B Flat Major by The Avett Brothers
This is the song that immediately came in my mind when Jersey was introduced.

All I Want by Kodaline
I don't know why I keep listening to this song. It kills me.
"But If you loved me
Why'd you leave me?"

The Good Times Are Killing Me by Modest Mouse
Throughout the story, one of the things that keeps Jersey going is her memory of her mother and sister and she's trying to remember each memory as much as possible. Though those memories keeps them alive inside her, it also kills her a little inside.

Make You Feel My Love by Bob Dylan (Lea Michele Version)
Regret. If she can change the way she acted from those last moments between her and her sister, she would.

Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
Jersey has yet to accept her loss, but one thing that she needs to be ready for: CHANGE.

Eye of your Storm by Kyler England
Jersey is drowning. From sorrow, grief, fear. And help will come from people that she never expected to care for her

Winding Road by Bonnie Somerville
"And it's a winding road
I've been walking for a long time
I still don't know
Where it goes
And it's a long way home
I've been searching for a long time
I still have hope
I'm gonna find my way home"

Going Vintage by Lindsey Leavitt

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"Mallory, you want a freeze? I’m a glacier. You want slow? I’m a turtle. But I’ll also be waiting by the phone every night, no matter how long it takes until you’re ready. Scout’s honor."

I picked this up because of the Title. I mean, who can't pick this up?! I'm a big fun of vintage. And because of Mallory's idea, I might do it someday. Yep! I'm going Vintage!

..for I don't know, maybe half a day? Or three days? Thinking about it makes me want to give up already.

Mallory is my kind of heroine. Witty, a little crazy and a Lister! Her quirky voice really engaged me through the story. And! If you have the kind of relationship she has with her family (especially her sister) I think you'll survive The List.

There's a lot of things that I loved:

1. Mallory. Really really love her.
2. Mallory's crazy family.
3. The List!!
4. Conversations between Mallory and her sister.
5. OLIVER KIMBALL. Nuff said.

Mallory's life is far from perfect She tried to vanish technology thinking that it will make everything better. Life in the '60's seems simpler right? But what she got is more complications. But after everything, she realised that LIFE is not that different from the 60's. And that heartaches still exist back then, but also finding a steady.

I really enjoyed Going Vintage. Its is fun to read and very much swoony.