thepeachmartini's reviews
464 reviews

Timeless by Gail Carriger

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Being the last book in the Parasol Protectorate series, I put off reading this as long as I could stand. It had taken me so long to find a book (let alone a whole series) that I enjoyed and looked forward to reading - I didn't want the series to be over!

This final deposit was every bit as enjoyable as the previous installments - full of all the fabulous characters I loved from the start, and focusing more on Prudence, the infant inconvenience. There were times in the story where I wished it would go differently, only to be surprised by Ms. Carriger's twisting of fate. Adventures ensue, parasols prevail, and love triumphs victorious.

The series ended nicely, leaving room for Ms. Carriger to expand with other characters in different story lines without leaving the main story lacking in any way.

(Excuse any grammatical or nonsensical errors - I am doped up on cold medicine, watching the Penguins get their behinds kicked...)
Heartless by Gail Carriger

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Again, another wonderful installment in the Parasol Protectorate series. Ms. Carriger strings the story along nicely, without it becoming tedious or boring, and still leaves room for the series to grow.

It's been a while since I've read this one, so I'm not providing a thorough review. I did enjoy this book, and it will be one I return to read often.
Changeless by Gail Carriger

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I'm honestly too tired to give a proper review (they're so tedious!) so I'll just say that I enjoyed it as much as the first, and as Ivy would say "Woe is me!" indeed! That ending - a proper shocker!

Blameless by Gail Carriger

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I'm honestly too tired to give a proper review (they're so tedious!) so I'll just say that I enjoyed it as much as the first and second in the series, and I'm anxiously awaiting the 4th!

I adore Emily Gray as a narrator - she also did the 'Shopaholic' series. She always seems to give the characters the same voice I've imagined them having...
Soulless by Gail Carriger

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I will begin by saying that I really enjoy Emily Gray as the narrator - I believe she also did the 'Shopaholic' series, so it was like bumping into an old friend.

This was my first introduction to a steampunk-inspired book, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised - I enjoyed the time period of Victorian London, the characters were well-developed and charming, and the mix of vampires and werewolves didn't feel too outlandish (thought I'm not sure why).

Alexia is a girl I really think I would like to be friends with - not only is she well-groomed, but she likes to eat and has style. And she can kick butt. A winning combination in my circle of friends! Lord Conall Maccon is charming, brooding, and being a werewolf suits him quite well. I'd venture to say he's handsome as well, for a werewolf, that is.

I don't know that there needs to be that much description given for certain romantic interludes, but I can work around that. It does seem to be more prevalent in this book than the others I've 'read' from the series, but we'll see what the newer installments hold.

I'd recommend this to any one who enjoys a quick read, a little sci-fi fantasy, a good gaslamp read, or a little romance...
Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella

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My infatuation with the 'Shopaholic' series began with a part-time job leaving me with too much time on my hands...Mondays and Fridays were off days, and to fill the time, I began reading this charming series of books. I'd return to the library every Monday to get the next in line, and I always enjoyed seeing what antics dear Becky would find herself coping with.

If you're in the market for something a little deeper, or more complex characters, this isn't the series for you...but if you enjoy shopping, friendships, romance, and something fun and light-hearted, this might be to your liking.